The Counteroffer Strikes Back!
So you are thinking about accepting the counteroffer even though I said it was bad? You ask what could be so bad about getting an increase in salary or a big new promotion with your present employer versus making a change to leave them and go with a competitor? It does sound tempting, but life is perfect only in hindsight and on The Girls Next Door if you happen to be Hugh Hefner.
First off,
no matter what is said over the bargaining table, if you accept a counteroffer that is the end of your career with that company. You will never be seen again in the same light and likely will always be considered a risk to company assets. When it comes to a very crucial assignment in the future, you will be labeled as that person who isn’t a 100% onboard. Senior management may be uncomfortable coming to you because they don’t know or understand your true motives and aren’t going to take a risk exposing their plans to you. What effects do you think that will have on your career? Second, is the fact that the real reasons you wanted to leave in the first place have not changed and they rarely ever do. These conditions have been made more pleasing to you in the short term because of the current promotion, your new raise, or the false promises made to keep you in your place. If you agree to the counteroffer like a deer in headlights and it convinces you to stay on board, the very same factors that caused you to want to leave will have the same effect again in the near future. Understand this, nothing changes in the workplace. Poor upper management will always be poor and your career is going to be incarcerated until you break free from their shackles. Lastly, once your upper management has solved the concerning and immediate problem of your resignation, trust me they will begin arming themselves with a contingency plan for your replacement on their own timeframe this time. Yes, you did get what you wanted in the near term short picture (a nice raise or promotion) and you did seemingly prevailed, but you will find yourself someday soon suddenly removed or terminated from this position for causes resulting from your actions. Now you’ve got no job and you're unemployed with no opportunities in sight, because you played their gamble like a fool. You were no longer looking and now being unemployed many potential companies wont consider you for employment. You are now in a very different situation and you begin to doubt yourself. Earlier you were praising yourself on how you got your money or promotion and outsmarted everyone, but now you are left wondering where your next paycheck will come from and most importantly when? So do yourself a favor and steer clear of these career cancers like counteroffers. Believe me and understand this: the job will always suck, but you will be making more money, the majority of people who accept counteroffers are fired within a few months for countless and unsubstantiated reasons, you will be tarnishing your record in your employers eyes with your strategy, your loyalty and security will be thrown out the window, you will be passed over for any future opportunities, you saved the company money in the short term and they will jettison you the first chance they get and you have told your employer that it is all about you getting yours and nothing else. Do yourself a favor and follow your instincts. You thought the job was bad enough that you went looking and you are probably making the correct decision for your future. Don’t sacrifice your happiness and career growth by letting your current employer toy with your mind and emotions. Ignore the counteroffer and get yourself to where you need to be and where you belong. The only regret you will have is if you accept the counteroffer, lie to yourself and swallow their poison, which is exactly what they want you to do in the first place.