At every workshop, I invariably get a question asking for the “real” reason: the real reason a candidate doesn’t get called back, the real reason a resume gets to the top of the pile, the real reason someone gets hired or not. Many jobseekers seem to believe that there is some back story that is hidden from them. I rarely get anyone who admits they blew an interview and asks how to fix it.
At every workshop, I invariably get a question asking for the “real” reason: the real reason a candidate doesn’t get called back, the real reason a resume gets to the top of the pile, the real reason someone gets hired or not. Many jobseekers seem to believe that there is some back story that is hidden from them. I rarely get anyone who admits they blew an interview and asks how to fix it.
Yet, accepting blame for the lack of success in your job search is the first step in figuring out the “real” reasons you are not getting selected for interviews, callbacks or jobs. While it’s sometimes true that forces beyond your control come into play unbeknownst to you, for the most part, the real reasons you were not selected are things you can improve upon for next time.
Here are some of the uncontrollable scenarios that might happen:
What can you do about the above? You can only keep working on your search, accept the fact that some of your leads will go away due to scenarios that you don’t control, and therefore try to pursue as many leads simultaneously as possibly.
Here are some of the scenarios you do control:
Is Your Job Search Flexible or Just Unfocused?
As a recruiter, I’ve seen lack of flexibility on the recruiting side with employers clinging to every last detail in their ideal spec while perfectly good candidates get overlooked. As a career coach, I see jobseekers prematurely dismissing possible targets waiting for that perfect job. It’s true that you want to be focused in your job search (otherwise you dilute your efforts and come across as scattered and possibly desperate).5 Questions to Test If Your Resume Is Recruiter-Proof
After recruiting in search and in-house for over ten years, I have read thousands of resumes. Due to sheer volume of resumes received and all the other things that vie for the recruiter’s attention in the hiring process – scheduling, interviewing, networking, reference checks, client debriefs, and more – the resume review process is ruthlessly quick.Why Conventional Wisdom On Work Flexibility Is Always Wrong
In a previous post, I wrote about why employment statistics are always wrong. In a similar way, conventional wisdom on work flexibility is always wrong. It is impossible to generalize something that is inherently case-by-individual case. Therefore, any boilerplate advice or conventional wisdom is bound to omit a key consideration, underweight or overemphasize other considerations, or take too long-term or short-term of a view.