The Send Out Cards compensation plan lays out 13 ways to earn money. MLM companies typically use a compensation plan that rewards diligence, focus and a great team. Send Out Cards is no exception to this model.
Your due diligence on Send Out Cards includes learning about the Send Out Cards compensation plan. The compensation plan shares a total of 13 ways to earn income.
Ask questions at the opportunity and have the Send Out Cards comp. plan details.
The success of your home based business requires facts and information; I wish to share some of that with you today.
Key Ways To Earning With Send Out Cards
1. Retail profits
2. Treat 'Em Right Attendance
3. Volume Bonuses
4. PicturePlus Coaching
5. Starter Kit Bonuses
The 5 categories above represent broad areas; each is divided into smaller areas for a total of 13 ways to earn an income. I spent some time to analyze the Send Out Cards compensation plan to share some insights with you.
Send Out Cards' compensation is typical of companies that use the MLM model. If you are new to Send Out Cards and the industry,

requirements to advance may be difficult. When you reach the rank of "manager" (you need 12 team mates) that is when your income will see greater gain. Two of the distributors need to be personally sponsored by you.
If you are new to this industry, and Send Out Cards, ensure that you are part of an excellent team with great training. This may take about a year or more.
The Comp. Plan For SOC
Attending seminars and training ensures bonuses inside of Send Out Cards. Since the focus is on training and learning, the new distributor will be skilled in implementing what has been learned.
Each individual is different and it is not about how much or how little training you get. It is about the kind of team that the distributor is on. Your advantages belong with the team you foster and partcipate in!
FIRST: Learn and apply diligently the SOC training and material. Raise the content inside the training. Learn about what is expected of you both on the business and marketing sides.
SOC offers an online card sending platform. You must be well versed in internet business and marketing strategies to enhance your Send Out Cards opportunity.
SECOND: Create your team carefully and choose the team you belong to carefully. A single focus in your team/mastermind group is the key to creating great things according to Napoleon Hill. Ensure that your upline has a reliable training system. This system must be simple, teachable and duplicateable so that you can reproduce it for your team.
THIRD: Ask questions to find out answers. If your questions to your team and upline are of quality, you will be ensuring success.
Send Out Cards - Thoughts
SOC is a network marketing business and can be an excellent opportunity. Create a great team for yourself and be part of a great team that you diligently research. Business is rewarded successfully with keen skills and application of those skills. A focus and a plan for your business will keep you going; in this manner SOC is like any other business.