The Distance learning MBA of their online education strategic management, a choice of exciting career! The deployment of organizational information systems (WIS) affects
almost all activities of organizations, when not at the heart of these activities. Managers who provide governance of such systems and professionals who work in their design or their deployment must be able to participate actively in the strategic choices available to organizations, while being aware of the scope and impact of these choice on users systems, client organizations or society. The control of organizational information systems in a formula bimodal, career skills, knowledge and vocabulary specific to this area. It also aims to provide training that promotes the development of a critical face of technological choices and modes of deployment of information systems in an organization. Our Commitment Training prepares you to cope with the demands and challenges of the field of ORC. This discipline covers a wide range of concerns. Depending on your prior training and interests, two standard profiles are available: Management systems and information technology. This profile is suitable for people wishing to occupy positions of management or board, who will choose business solutions involving information technology and who will manage resources related to distance learning MBA and information technology (IT) organization. The analysis, design and implementation of information systems. This profile is for people who wish to occupy positions where they will have to design and implement business solutions leveraging information technology.Whatever the choice by the student profile, the concentration GTI also includes courses designed to provide him an understanding of organizational size, social and human company. The acquisition of such knowledge allows students to fulfill their role as manager or analyst of organizational information systems.Our entry requirementsYou are eligible if you hold a undergraduate training in administration. Where appropriate, the three management courses will be replaced by electives. If you got your undergraduate degree in a discipline other than the head, but related to the management of information technology, you will need to demonstrate knowledge of basic college-level mathematics (algebra and calculus ) and you must follow a set course to upgrade the administrative sciences. The choice of these courses will be tailored to your previous training and may include basic courses in business administration and additional courses in design and implementation of information systems. In addition to these requirements, your success in this concentration is related to your ability to read texts in English and work with basic computer tools (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.).. The success of a French test may be required for non-francophone students. The final decision for admission into the program returns to the direction of graduate programs that considers your previous academic performance. For more information about this, please contact the program director. Buying a laptop (Ulysses environment) is compulsory for all students admitted to the MBA Management Information Technology.English language proficiencyTo get your diploma, you must demonstrate a minimum level of English.Your journeyOur formula allows graduation MBA Managing information technology in 16 months if you do not have non-contributory prerequisite courses to complete. The concentration of GTI MBA program includes 45 credits of which six credits are devoted to the achievement of an intervention project to be completed by the end of the program. Two profiles are suggested: Profile "Technology Management" profile and "Design and realization." Each profile includes courses related to the knowledge required for graduation. Prerequisites for final admission, if necessary, depending on your previous training.
Postgraduate Certificate in E-learning
Following the research in 2010, experts QS Top MBA Applicant Survey come to a logical conclusion. Admission to the MBA program is due not only by the desireThe Value of Distance Education Degree
Distance learning is the best option for professionals in the field of IT, as well as those who have a professional in the field of high technology, plans to deepen their knowledge of the stock and an MBA in E-business.Turn on Mba for Distance Learning
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