Training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP, Why it is important?

May 14


Luki Tantra

Luki Tantra

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Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (The ASEAN economic society) started in the end of 2015. Goods, services and workers are migrating without boundaries within the ASEAN countries. What kind of workers? Not the ordinary one, the competent one!! Indonesian Profession Certification Body (Badan Nasional sertifikasi Profesi) certified almost all profession and workers in Indonesia. Not only certify workers, but also the trainer and assessor.


Training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP,Training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP, Why it is important? Articles Why it is important? f

Due to the ASEAN economic community that started 31 December 2015 ago, Indonesian government released several rules and acts for competences for professions all around Indonesia.

One of the professions that has competences standard is trainer.

Rules and act for trainer professions are:

  1. Permen No.8 tahun 2012 Tentang cara Penetapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia, about indonesian competency standard
  2. SKKNI No. KEP. 196/MEN/IV/2007, Penetapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Nasional Indonesia Sektor Jasa Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Sub Sektor Pelatihan bidang Asesmen dan Pelatihan and
  3. Kepmen No. 161 Tahun 2015 Tentang Penetapan Standar Kompetensi Kerja Kategori Pendidikan Golongan Pokok jasa Pendidikan Bidang standardisasi, Pelatihan dan Sertifikasi; trainers also need to have themselves certified.


How to visually check whether your BNSP certificate

There are several training providers that can conduct training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP. In Jakarta, TransWISH Indonesia ( is one of authorized assessment center for Training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP in jakarta (link ke tft)

After completing training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP, you’ll receive a BNSP certificate with a Garuda gold seal/emblem. Make sure the Garuda gold seal is embossed by rubbing it.

You can also check the originality of your BNSP certificate by making sure the stamp used is a “wet stamp” on top of your photo.

So, that is the importance of taking training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP. Transwish Indonesia look forward to see you training on one of our training for trainer sertifikasi BNSP.


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