We all know that in business creating the right impression is one of the most important aspects of getting more customers.
People want to feel confident that you are committed to your profession and that you will take care of them as if they were a personal friend, and that you will provide an exceptional service at a reasonable price.
The marketing tools of most businesses include a business card, website and of course an email address. Most business email addresses are linked to a business name, like Name@Tescos or Name@StAnnesHospital, and this makes sense. It’s pretty easy to remember and it links you with your business or place of work. But have you thought about how your personal email address can also boost your business opportunities?
Whether you have a business you run from home, employ staff or work for company your personal email address can help to advertise you and what you are good at. For example you could create an email address like, Keith@BudgetPlummer.com or Denise@AMobileHairdresser.net.
Because your personal email address isn’t one that you would necessarily use directly for your customers, you could also have some fun with your personal email address while still keeping to a business theme, for example you could create Keith@JustaBigDrip.com or Denise@CuttingEdgeDriver.com.
The advantage of creating a personal email address is that it alerts people to your skills, and you never know where your email address will end up. You know how your friends send you heaps of junk mail with funny photos, u-tube videos and jokes, and that mail seems to have done the rounds of hundreds of other people’s email groups before it reaches you? Well, your email address just might catch the eye of a distant friend who is in desperate need of your services.
You might also have a little side business that you’re trying to develop while you carry on bringing in the pay from your nine to five job. Why not start to promote it without having any big expenses by using a good personal email address. You could think of creating an email address like Amy@KidsPartySpecialist.com or Bruce@theFreelanceITman.com.
It ‘s a subtle way of reminding your friends, relatives and acquaintances that you also have a skill they might like to use without you having to do a big sales job on them. The beauty is that your personal email address acts as a little reminder of your skills every time you send them a message; it’s a little bit like subliminal advertising.
When you create a personal email address you are humanizing a very non-human form of communication. The internet is wonderful and email has been such a brilliant communication tool but it can also be very impersonal. Taking a little bit of time to create an email address that reflects you and your skills or business is one way of easing into the dialogue. It’s a bit like an electronic hand shake. A personal email address gives those you “talk” to a quick mental image of you and that helps create that human connection.
Attractive custom emails for Coach
There is always high demand for coaches in every field be it sports, studies, or professional career. Thus, a coach has to be very communicable, expressive, straightforward and highly professional in his/her work, so that both the rookie and coach can enjoy the working relationship thoroughly.Elevating Financial Services with Tailored Email Solutions
In the competitive landscape of financial services, custom email addresses serve as a powerful tool for firms to showcase their expertise and foster seamless communication with clients. By adopting email addresses that reflect their specialization, financial firms can enhance their professional image, making it easier for clients to remember and reach out for advice. This strategy is particularly effective in connecting with digitally savvy clients, both locally and globally, who value smart communication channels. As the digital world continues to evolve, financial advisors must adapt by implementing customer-friendly communication strategies that resonate with their client base.Strengthening your PR firm communication by custom emails
Job of any PR firm contains increasing brand value of client’s products or services through various suitable medium efficiently. Thus, a PR firm requires strong communication relationship with each of its clients to handle their demand efficiently. In tech savvy world custom email is one such medium, which can help a PR firm in establishing its professional image as well as communicating flexibly with clients 24*7.