Better Forecasts With Current Satellite Images For Saving Lives
Many people are surprised to learn how many ways current satellite images are used to help. Around the world these digital pictures are used for much ...
Many people are surprised to learn how many ways current satellite images are used to help. Around the world these digital pictures are used for much more that predicting the weather. They are being applied to help track wild fires,

tornado's and rip tides. Many lives are being saved each year by the use of modern technology.
The latest technology is proving incredibly useful for giving people really accurate weather reports that can help with everything from air travel to farming. Everyone wants to know what the weather will be like in the near future and tracking fronts is the most effective way to do this.
There is a lot of concern about climate change and the damage to our ozone layer. This is something that has a direct impact on every human being in the world. Scientists all over the planet are carefully tracking data about everything from the melting of the polar ice to the temperatures in the rain forest. There are so many factors that have to be taken into consideration and satellite images are one of the most valuable ways to study up to the moment information.
Extreme weather conditions cause millions of dollars worth of damage every year. Yet far more significant is the human toll. Each year many people are killed by hurricanes and tornado's. By tracking storms as they develop many of those lives could have been saved. In this type of situation every moment counts and it is vital to give people as much warning as possible.
Those who make their living from the sea are also happy to all the latest technology on their side. They can use their own on board equipment to track storm front and other dangerous conditions. They can also be in communication with the local weather center or coast guard station to stay ahead of danger.
Both national and international weather patterns can be tracked using the latest satellite technology. The data is stored and can be accessed almost immediately. Climate monitoring is a very important job as it allows for patterns to be compiled. This information can be crucial for farmers who's living depends on good growing conditions.
With all the recent publicity about the dangers of sun exposure it is important to know exactly how high the UV index will be. During the summer months the weather service puts out daily reports that advise people when the ultra violet light is at its most intense. The satellites can make very accurate reports and these are proving very helpful in the battle against skin cancer. Many people are now heading the warnings and staying indoors during the hottest part of the day.
The sun provides us with tremendous amounts of energy, but its rays can also be harmful to human skin. One of the best new uses for current satellite images is to calculate the ultra violet levels in the atmosphere. This allows people to take sensible precautions to avoid getting burned and increasing their risk of skin cancer.