Blackberry Owners – Must have accessories
For many a Blackberry phone is a good investment as it has many different functions that enable busy people to get things done quickly. Here are some accessories that can protect your Blackberry and make it an even better investment.
Skin Case
It’s important to keep your phone protected at all times and for this reason buying a skin case should be your priority. The skin case you choose should have moisture protection and be of the best quality you can afford. Make certain it covers the keyboard but also allows the backlight to shine through. Before you decide on which skin case to buy take a look at the reviews which will help you to decide which is the best one for you.
Car Charger
A Blackberry car charger is a must for all Blackberry users. For businessmen it’s an essential piece of equipment. Imagine finding your battery flat when you’re meeting clients but running late,
it could be disastrous. But it’s a disaster easily avoided!
All you need do is simply plug the charger into the dashboard cigarette lighter, the coiled lead has a small usb port which plugs into your Blackberry. This also makes it possible for you to use it while it’s charging.
Home Charger
The simple home charger is plugged into the wall, and then into your Blackberry. The upright block charger enables you to stand your Blackberry onto a small base which can be stood on your desk whilst charging. These are both important accessories for the home or business, but they are static so will not be of use whilst travelling around.
USB data cable
The usb data cable provides a link between your phone and PC. Another invaluable and indispensable accessory.
The trackball on your phone enables you to scroll down to different icons. However, the ball can become difficult to manoeuvre after a while, mostly due to dirt accumulating around and inside the ball structure. You can buy a replacement kit, and although not terribly convenient, it’s also possible to clean the trackball yourself.
First you should take the battery out of the phone. Then gently remove the small ring around the trackball; do this carefully as it’s made of thin plastic and can split easily. Once you take this off you can then gently lift out the mechanism and assess how much dirt has accumulated around the trackball. By cleaning this gently with a cotton bud dipped in alcohol, it may be all that’s necessary to get the trackball working properly again.
If however you decide to buy a replacement kit the same process will apply, but you will just replace the mechanism with a new trackball.
Stereo headset
The Blackberry Bluetooth headset is second to none with superb clear and noise free quality. Fitted with two speakers which delivers quality sound, the headset is a must for all Blackberry owners.
All the above accessories are essential if you’re a busy person and need to keep in touch with your colleagues and family throughout the day. If you’re lucky enough to own a Blackberry then you’ll know how important it is to keep up with all the available accessories which will help to make your life so much easier.