Call International Mobile Numbers from Australia
Calls from a basic Australian landline service to international mobile phone numbers can cost as much as $5/minute! When you do call international mobile phone numbers
Calls from a basic Australian landline service to international mobile phone numbers can cost as much as $5/minute! When you do call international mobile phone numbers you want to make sure that your call gets connected promptly,

stays connected and that you can hear what the other person is saying…After all, you are paying for every second that you spend asking “what was that?”.
Once your call goes through on a regular phone line you are charged with the following fees usually:
- Connection flagfall
- Huge per minute rate (usually over $2.50/min)
- Disconnection Fee
Ten minutes on the phone can set you back well over $30AUD if you are lucky. Conversation with a US mobile phone number from Australia could end up costing easily over $40 AUD if you are with Telstra or Optus. Does that seem right? Even calling New Zealand mobile phone numbers from Australia is expensive. What is this doing to our economy if we cannot freely talk with one of our closest economic allies?
But there is a class of international call cards that provide special mobile phone rates to most countries. Simply Yahoo or Google queries like:
cheap international mobile phone cards’ OR
‘phoning international mobiles cheap’ OR
‘ring UK mobiles cheap’
When you search for these queries, you will find websites that sell one product: cheap international phone cards! But not all phone cards provide good rates for international mobile numbers. Most are only a few percent cheaper than the major telecommunication companies. What you need is a card dedicated to providing reliable mobile phone calling deals to specific countries such as Russia, Ukraine, Pakistan, Kazakhstan, France etc etc.
Cards like allow you to call Japan from a few cents per minute. You also have a perfect connection and no dropouts.
Placing calls with international mobile phone cards also allows the use of any available headset to place extremely cheap calls to overseas mobile numbers. On the street, in a motel, from your own mobile phone, you can connect with this range of telephone cards easily and quickly.