Several studies have conclusively shown that trade ad responses from prospective customers go up by 40% if a toll-free number is mentioned. Even if 10% of these additional responses are converted into sales, you will have a hefty boost to your sales turnover.
A toll free number is quite often euphemistically described as a 'phone number with reverse charges'. It is called so,
because it is the called party that pays for the call charges and not the caller. Traditionally, the toll-free numbers have the 800 area code as prefix and hence the users commonly refer to toll free numbers as 800 numbers.
Due to the overwhelming popularity of toll free numbers - particularly amongst the business community - all 800 numbers stand almost exhausted. To allow for more toll free numbers, the area codes 888, 877, and 866 are now in use and to be followed by 855 soon.
Although it may seemingly appear that the phone bills of business enterprises will shoot up if they choose to pay for all incoming calls, the fact is having toll-free numbers is cost-effective in view if the numerous other benefits it offers.
The simple fact is a prospective customer is much more likely to call you if he is not required to pay the call charges - and more so, if it is a long distance call. You can convert quite a few of these incoming calls into sales and make more money than the cost of all the toll free calls you will pay. Besides, your customer base will also continue to grow. Please know that when prospective customers are shopping, they will be comparing a company with a
toll free number with the one without and this can make the crucial difference between getting the sale and losing a sale.
Several studies have conclusively shown that trade ad responses from prospective customers go up by 40 percent if a toll-free number is mentioned. Even if 10 percent of these additional responses are converted into sales, you will have a hefty boost to your sales turnover. Thus the money you pay for all the incoming calls will get more than rewarded.
Because toll free numbers know no geographic boundaries, it is possible to route the call according to where the caller is located and this will enable you to conduct business nation-wide. When you have a toll-free number, customers tend to think that your business is big and credible and are motivated to deal with you. Toll-free numbers are a proven way for any small business to appear more professional and to get recognized as a reliable organization. By projecting a more professional image, you can increase consumer trust which often results in more sales.
If you are looking for a cost effective voicemail service, which will supply you with relevant real-time data, then a toll-free number can do the job for you. Your service provider can help you create a toll-free voicemail box that allows you to record personal messages right over the phone.
International toll-free numbers, also known as International 0800 numbers, allow you to have a market presence in a particular country without the need to set up offices or recruit staff. The international toll free numbers can be routed back to your existing office, mobile (cell phone) or any existing phone number in the world. Thus, toll-free numbers are the most cost effective way to attract customers from other countries.
Since there are a large number of toll-free number service providers and the competition is stiff, you can get toll-free service at affordable prices. But, you must at the same time ensure that you sign up with a reputed and reliable provider so that your communication facility is not at risk.