A reverse cell phone directory is the best way to find the location of a cell phone user.
If you are looking to quickly find the location of a cell phone user,

all you really need to do is first locate a reliable directory to conduct your search. After that, the search itself is very simple and the results you are able to obtain will more than likely exceed your expectations.
So, if you want to get your hands on a ton of personal information behind any wireless number, just finish reading this article to learn how to do it right.
Find The Location of a Cell Phone User
The reason I stressed the importance of working with a reputable reverse cell phone directory is because there are quite a few shady sites on the Internet that supposedly offer this information free of charge.
These sites advertise “free” results for reverse mobile phone searches to get people to visit their site. But, in reality, they have no intention on following through with this promise.
When it comes time to deliver your “free” results, they will ALWAYS demand a fee. Not only that, the fee they will charge will be much higher than the reputable and trustworthy directories. And the accuracy of this data is always much less reliable than the best directories.
Is this your first attempt at doing a reverse cell phone lookup? If so, what is written here is something I wish I could have read before doing my first search. It would have definitely saved me some time and frustration.
Q. Where Does The Data For a Reverse Cell Phone Lookup Come From?
A. Major telephone companies like AT&T, Sprint, and Verizon
Q. Is This Information Considered Public or Private
A. Information behind wireless numbers is NOT considered public domain. Therefore, you will not find it in the White Pages or any other free telephone directory.
Q. How Can I Access This Information?
A. The major telephone companies continually lease the most recent and accurate information behind all of the wireless numbers they own to privately owned reverse cell phone directories. These directories are the ONLY place to gain access to all of the information each telephone company carries about its users.
Q. What Information is Disclosed in Each Report?
A. A typical report will disclose the caller’s full name, current address, list of previous addresses, other phone numbers that belong to the owner, name of wireless provider, a list of previous owners of the phone number, family members, and more.
Q. Is There a Single BEST Directory?
A. That question I cannot answer. But I do know of one EASY way to find out. Get on a site that allows you to freely and confidentially browse its database before deciding to purchase. And, if you do decide to purchase, make sure the directory makes it easy for you to get your MONEY BACK if you are not satisfied the directory provided the results it promised.
If you want to go about things the right way without getting scammed, search for a directory that does not advertise “free” results, continually updates its database, offers confidential and free searches, and finally offers any customer a full refund of their purchase if they are not totally satisfied with the information disclosed in their report.
Next time you need to find the location of a cell phone user, follow this simple advice and you will be happy that you did.