The fastest, quickest, and most accurate way to identify a cell phone user is easier than you may think.
What many people still don't know today is that the ability to find a person by cell phone number is only a few clicks away – if you know where to perform this kind of search.
Have you lost touch with an old friend or co-worker? Well,

if you have their wireless number, you now have the option of looking them up with a specialized telephone directory. This type of directory enables anyone to find a person by cell phone number.
Finding a good directory is the only difficult part in the whole process. So, here a few quick tips to follow in order to discover the most amount of information that exists for any wireless number.
Find a Person By Cell Phone Number - Tips To Follow
First of all, you want to make sure the directory you work with does not offer "free" results. I know this may sound strange, but it will save you some headaches if you follow this advice.
There is no way you are going to find anything beyond the general location from which the wireless number was issued and the name of the wireless carrier for free. But, there are plenty of directories on the Internet that will try to lure you into their websites by offering the promise of "free" results.
But, as sure as I am sitting here writing this, you will NEVER get complete results for free. When it comes time for you to obtain the information that was originally offered for free, the site will suddenly demand payment for the rest of the information it has in its database.
And heaven knows what that information could be. I can't speak for you, but I know that I would not be willing to spend my hard earned money on results that come from a site that was willing to lie to me just to get me to visit their website. But, only you can make that choice for yourself.
So, if you are want the most accurate and current information that is available to the public for any mobile number, visit a directory that does not promise "free" results. A reliable directory will offer a money back guarantee on every single report sold and will be the best way to discover the caller's:
o Present address
o A map location of the present address
o An extensive list of past addresses
o Names of family members and neighbors
o Other phone numbers that belong to the caller
o Name of cellular service provider
Each report will lighten your pocket by a few dollars, but don't sweat that because there isn't anything you can do about it. (Remember, it is the foolish dog that barks at the flying bird.) So, your best option is to resign yourself to that fact and get on to finding the best directory that is able to offer the most comprehensive results for almost every mobile number in the United States.