At last but not the least this handset has very good features and is based on 3 important fundamentals which ultimately proves its worth
HTC Hero is one of the fewest mobiles which is based on 3 fundamental principles: make it mine, stay close and discover the unexpected. The specifications of this mobile are as under
Camera --- 5 Mega pixels and operating system, uses android platform, contains all essentials of a good telecommunication device. It is a pure hardware running android . Its design has been all about hard lines.
Inspite of its aggressive shape, it seems to be more secure, stable and natural though not properly fit in pocket. It contains very attractive desktop full of different colours and various themes. Its keyboard is more comfortable and soothing as compared to others. It has all new features like music player, access to internet, java games and many other entertaining types of software .
Due to its stylish design it has been awarded with most of the prestigious awards. Network connections determines the success or failure of tele communication market , those having reliable networks having larger brand value and are preferred by most of the customers . As far as its size is concerned, it is quite solid and compact.
Its biggest advantage that battery is very reliable and of long life. In addition to that it also has extra provisions like provision of stop watch, calendars, schedules etc which makes it more potent and effective. Inclusion of multimedia applications and surfing on internet on this phone increases its efficiency as well as popularity, thereby gaining world wide fame and respect.
The most important consideration which should be kept in mind is price and that should be reasonable so that majority of the customers can buy it. Apart from that quality also matters the most and proved as a deciding factor between success and failure. In above of all the faith and trust of the customer on the product indicates whether they are satisfied or not thereby indicating their perception towards the product.
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