Need some motivation? Inspiration? Presentation and speaking skills? Come join me in reading my weekly newsletter on tips, tricks and how-to’s.
You are receiving this newsletter because you subscribe toMonday Mindfulness. You may also read this newsletteron-line at 3, 2006 Number 227Table of Contents1. On Special Offers and Invitations2. On The Spirit of the Fourth3. On Knockout Presentations4. On Resilience5. On Demeaning6. On Useful Websites and Announcements7. On Subscribing and Canceling (at the end of newsletter)
Welcome to Monday Mindfulness . . . to my clients,colleagues and friends. Join me every other Monday ingetting motivated and inspired to act/think/feeldifferently.
Are you self directed? Are you ready to become a highlypaid, and/or a more persuasive speaker? Then sample oursummer sizzle prices on many products to boost your speakingskills. Deep discounts for a limited time only. Go to:
What if you could have two coaches sitting by your side andguide you through the skill of speaking confidently andpersuasively ? Now you can. An Audio CD , 'PowerPresentations for Professionals,' will help you master a fewsimple, yet sophisticated strategies. Do you want to learnhow to give a compelling speech? Would you like to know whatsets leaders apart? Are you ready to prepare a speech thathits your audience's hot buttons? In this audio CD, twoprofessional speech coaches share the lessons they'velearned from their combined 46 years in the field. Highcontent and useful application for business professionals,emerging speakers and coaches. Click here for fulldescription and to order. (available as a CD or MP3download)Have you ever thought about being a well paid speaker? Learnhow to connect with your audience? Persuade people to act onwhat you say? You can get answers to these questions andmore at: Approach the Coach. Go to and ask me your number-onequestion about speaking skills or speaking professionally. Iwill answer your questions by email within 48 hours.
I do a lot of flying with Southwest Airlines. An airlinethat constantly reminds me of the spirit of innovation, goodvalues and entrepreneurism. Qualities that also became theflagship for the creation of the United States of America .Herb Kelleher, the maverick and innovative founder ofSouthwest runs a 'spirit campaign.' They constantly tell theworld that their employees are warm and caring, and providesuperior customer service. They know their business. Theyhire people who are servant leaders, have good values, andare extroverts in their behavioral style. They are doers.They lead, not manage.The Coach believes . . . that the key to success is to havethe courage to do things differently.
Dianne DiResta, author of Knockout Presentations: How todeliver your message with power, punch and pizzazz, offerssome tips for helping your audience listen to you.
1. HAVE A CONVERSATION: Use the word 'you' in your talk, asin 'Ask yourself . . . ,' What would you do . . . and so on.
2. GET PERSONAL: Use your own experiences in your speech.People relate better to other people.
3. KEEP IT CURRENT: talk about today's events or tomorrow'smeeting.
4. PRESENT WITH PASSION: Enthusiasm is contagious.
INVOLVETHE AUDIENCE: Ask attendees to come up on stage and assistyou with the presentation.The Coach sez . . . it is about them, not you!
Why can't the stock market have a springy attitude and theability to recover quickly? Well, we see this has not beeneasy to attain, yet many successful people have the abilityto demonstrate personal elasticity. So how can we learn tobe more 'rubbery'? Dr. Michael Mantell offers three ways tobuild resilience. They are:
1. Trust others to help you. Have a mentor to avoid beingsad and vulnerable in the face of challenges.
2. Develop the inner strengths of confidence , self- esteemand responsibility. Make your own decisions, including onesthat later may appear to have been mistakes.
3. Acquire the interpersonal and problem solving skills thathelp you to take action. Successful people eliminatenegative thinking.The Coach sez . . . 'catch people doing something right.'
If lawyers can be disbarred and clergy can be defrockeddoesn't if follow that: (From the Best of We Go)
The Coach asks . . . can you come up with one for speakers?E-mail me your suggestions and I will send you a gift.
Visit my new Blog (an online journal) Learn about the benefits of having aNiche, 'Twelve Step Process For Effective Email,' 'WhatMakes a Successful Speaker?' and 'Ten Tips to Motivate YourAudience in to Action and on to Your Website.' Tell me whatyou think . . . and add your own comments.'Speak Like a Pro for Profit': Struggling to get clients?Want to have a full speaking calendar? This e-book containsproven tips and techniques to become a polished presenter tospeak effectively to anyone, anywhere, with confidence. Iwrote this for speakers, coaches, authors and businessprofessionals who want to deliver persuasive presentationsand/or grow a profitable speaking business. Only $8.95. for details.
'This book provides practical and sound advice. I haveworked with Sandra and find her knowledge and guidanceinvaluable.'
Dr. Christine Wood, Pediatrician, speaker, authorDownload reports to help you with your public speakingskills
Do you need some CPR for Your Soul? Author/Coach, Mike Jayprovides some brilliant tools at:
Before your next flight, check out Farecast, an airfaresearch engine that also predicts how much the price of anairline tick et will rise or fall over the coming dayswww.farecast.comGot a podcast? List it at
Where in the World is Sandra? Meet me in Solvang, SantaBarbara, July 7-9; Orlando , FL , July 22-25; (NSAconvention), Bangkok , Thailand , September 24 - 26; Nepaland Tibet , September 28 - October 11. When you are visitingSan Diego, contact me, Let's shareconversation.About the AuthorCoach Sandra Schrift shares a few easy-to-read insights inthis bi-weekly broadcast, and welcomes positive responsesand input. Her 13 years as the founder/owner of The PodiumSpeakers Bureau in San Diego afforded her the privilege towork with many outstanding professional speakers and meetingplanners nationwide. She knows what the Meeting Plannerswant . . . and knows what speakers need to know!If you are an executive, you will benefit by strengtheningyour presentation skills, so that whatever audio-visual aidyou use will enhance, rather than distract from, yourmessage.As your coach, Sandra provides you with greater focus,increased ways to prospect, more ideas for gettingreferrals, and just more business.E-mail Sandra for your Complimentary 30- minute CoachingCall: ('
The greatest good you can do for another is not just shareyour riches, but to reveal to him his own.'--Benjamin DisraeliThank you for reading this issue of Monday MorningMindfulness Look for your next issue on July 17, 2006--Coach SandraIf you have a comment you would like to share, please emailme at I appreciate hearing how thisnewsletter is influencing your personal and/or yourprofessional lives. Once a month, I will feature oneindividual for all of my subscribers to read about.Invite a friend, speaker, coach who would enjoy reading MMMto subscribe. Copyright 2006, Monday Morning Mindfulness.
This content is copyright please copy it right when you passit on!New! Do you want to learn how to give a compelling speech?Would you like to know what sets leaders apart? Are youreadyto prepare a speech that hits your audience's hot buttons?Now you can. Buy the audio CD (available as an MP3download)."POWER PRESENTATIONS FOR PROFESSIONALS" at
Be a Speaker with Intention
As a speaker of Intention, you can help your audience organize their energy and actions that will bring about their desired goals, dreams.Nervous? You Are Not Alone. Presentation tips from the Pros
Accept the fear and make it work for you. Most people cannot see your nervousness, so don't even mention that you are. Use this adrenaline rush of nervous energy by turning it into lots of enthusiasm in your delivery.Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking
The audience wants you to succeed - so just treat them as your friends and speak in a conversational manner. You don't use notes when you speak to your friend, so don't use them now. At the most, you may use some note cards that include some key words for you to remember.