Problems you might encounter when choosing the translation agency
When we are looking for a translation we are expecting a high quality service that will meet out needs and be able to provide a professional translation. But of course there are many factors that might affect the quality of the end translation. Each individual has to be aware of some facts before choosing the translator.
With the rise of the internet,
businesses ability to expand into national and international markets has increased exponentially. Online commerce and trade has made it possible for entrepreneurs and new business owners to forgo many of the overheard costs of traditional retailers. If you're thinking about expanding your business into the international market, now is one of the best times to do it.
Markets in English speaking countries are easy enough to tap into if your site is already in English. Tapping into foreign language markets, however, presents a problem. The language barrier must be dealt with before you can start getting business from the countries where English is not the primary language. If visitors (i.e. potential customers/clients) cannot read your site and navigate it, they obviously won't buy your products or services. One solution to this is using a website translator on your site. A website translator allows visitors to view your website content in their native language, letting you tap into new markets that you could have never reached otherwise.
However, most website translators have their fair share of flaws. For one thing, most will not translate pages with complete accuracy. Especially difficult for most website translators is translating between languages that have letter-based alphabets (all Latin and Greek based languages) and languages with symbolic alphabets (Chinese, Japanese, Korean, etc). Syntax and flow are also problems, as some website translators are not very good at preserving these qualities from the original.
That's why doing a good amount of research before you buy a particular website translator is important. Read user reviews and check the specs. Make sure that the website translator you purchase supports all the languages spoken in the foreign markets you want to reach.
Another issue with website translators is that they don't always support every platform you might be working with. Website translators that work on all platforms can be very expensive. Though it might be worth the price tag is you want to avoid having issues later on.
Some translators won't work with certain templates either. All work with standard HTML, but they might not support new templates like WordPress. If you have a WordPress or Joomla blog and you use a website translator that does not work with the WrodPress template, it can result in the loss of your original formatting and can be a technical nightmare in general. So again, do your research before you buy.