Quick Guide for Making Quizzes

May 10


Dustin Tenpor

Dustin Tenpor

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One of the many fads on the internet is taking those cute little personality and future predicting quizzes most commonly found on social networks such as Facebook.


One of the many fads on the internet is taking those cute little personality and future predicting quizzes most commonly found on social networks such as Facebook. Little do most people who enjoy wasting their free time taking these quizzes know that they too can actually create the quizzes themselves?

Many applications,Quick Guide for Making Quizzes Articles software, and websites are available on the internet free of charge which assist in the construction and posting of the quizzes to have others such as your friends take to enjoy a good laugh together.

A few tips to creating a good online quiz consist of the following:

Tip # 1 Keep Your Questions and Answers Answerable By a Variety of Individuals

When creating a quiz the key to having success in getting a lot of people to take your quiz is to make sure the answer options along with the results can relate to different types of people and not just a key few or you are cutting out a large percent of people who use the internet.

Tip # 2 Use Pictures in Your Results

Most people like to post their quiz results on their web pages to compare and contrast with their friends, but posting up just plain text can rather seem unappealing on a profile therefore they would not want to post it. The more people want to post their results the more publicity your quiz will receive.

Tip # 3 Use humor

No one likes a boring quiz, if you’re going to make a quiz you want to keep your quiz takers attention and humor them so they will want to tell their friends to try it too.