Think outside the circle. It's the "spheretual" alternative to thinking outside the box.
How to Make a Cold Call
Thousands of articles and a few books have been written on the topic of cold-calling. I've read my share and am not impressed. That's because many scripts are canned or just plain corny. Others are too long, too 'sellzy,' or just too much. I want to show you what really works.How to Get Sponsors, Lesson 4 by Fran Briggs
This is Lesson 4 of the 12-lessons, How to Get Sponsors e-training. The training covers several modules that should be of great interest. And, they’re not difficult to grasp. Going forward from this lesson, we'll address some very important questions including the number one question a sponsor wants answered in the proposal.The Incredible Power of the Human Will
The human will is a profound force, capable of overcoming monumental challenges and achieving extraordinary feats. This article explores the remarkable stories of individuals who have demonstrated the sheer strength of human will, particularly focusing on the inspiring journey of Wilma Rudolph, whose life story exemplifies how determination and self-belief can lead to historic triumphs.