Three Telecom Services on One Bill with The Comcast Bundled Service Plan

Oct 19


David Johnson

David Johnson

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Right now you are probably getting your homes phone, internet and TV programming services from three separate service providers and by doing it that way you have to pay three separate bills that have no real savings in them. Why should they offer you discounts when you are only getting one service from them anyway.


Right now you are probably getting your homes phone,Three Telecom Services on One Bill with The Comcast Bundled Service Plan Articles internet and TV programming services from three separate service providers and by doing it that way you have to pay three separate bills that have no real savings in them. Why should they offer you discounts when you are only getting one service from them anyway.Comcast now offers discount supermarket style shopping for all three of these services and the savings that they have for you are readily apparent. Their technologically advanced digital phone service for example has free nation wide long distance calling any time, day or night, seven days a week and that includes Canada and Alaska.This completely does away with any need for long distance blocking if you are now using it. Because it is digital and a more advanced phone system, there are other savings as well for you, including free phone features. There are twelve of them that you get and the list includes caller ID, voice mail, call waiting and call forwarding just to name a few of them.It’s a flat fee phone billing system, where you pay one low monthly fee and you get to use your phone as much as you want to at no extra cost. Also, because its digital there is never a problem placing a call and the reception is always crystal clear on both ends of the phone line. With Comcast’s flat rate phone system you will never again have any surprises at the end of the month when your phone bill arrives. You are going to be using your phone for your whole life, so it only makes sense that you would try to get the best deal that you can on your phone service, because the sooner that you do, the sooner that the savings will start to add up.Comcast is the most familiar name in TV programming and they have a reputation for providing great home entertainment that stretches back for decades. A solid cable connection is your most reliable source for TV programming and only a cable service provider such as Comcast is able to provide on demand pay per view.While other service providers would like to have you believe that on demand is no big deal and that what they have will suffice, think twice, because most on demand pay per view orders are spontaneous spur of the moment decisions. For entertaining friends, family or that special someone in your life or soon to be in your life, on demand is your ace in the hole that you can always rely on to help you be the best host possible.Comcast now has two one demand pay per view services and one is basic On Demand while the other one is called Premiums On Demand. Comcast TV programming is entirely digital now and that means that you can always count on a great picture and sound when you turn on your TV set.For the latest technology in internet service Comcast now provides broadband high speed cable. If you are currently using a standard dial up service provider than you wont believe all the things that you can do with speed that is one-hundred times faster.With standard dial up service everything that you do on the net requires some sort of waiting time including logging on and with Comcast broadband high speed all those little waits are completely eliminated. There isn’t even any log on wait with Comcast, because with high speed cable you are always logged on. Comcast also has you cover with regards to security with free firewall protection and free McAfee anti virus software for life including free upgrades. The people at Comcast are always on the look out for the latest internet security developments and they are quick to pass them on to their customers, so you can rest assured that you wont be caught off guard at any time with Comcast looking out for you.