Traveling Abroad-A Satellite Phone Is A Great Idea
In the past it is safe to say that a sat phone was simply too costly. The only people that would have such a costly item would be someone that was involved with a group doing work in the remote expanse of Antarctica or piloting a ship with a crew that needed a phone for emergencies. That has changes with all of the choices in new and cost effective sat phones. Anyone that will be traveling extensively will be a much happy camper with a sat phone to keep in touch with.
In the past it is safe to say that a sat phone was simply too costly. The only people that would have such a costly item would be someone that was involved with a group doing work in the remote expanse of Antarctica or piloting a ship with a crew that needed a phone for emergencies. That has changes with all of the choices in new and cost effective sat phones. Anyone that will be traveling extensively will be a much happy camper with a sat phone to keep in touch with.
A portable satellite phone can make all kinds of travel easier to handle. If there is a need to jump from city to city and then head out to different countries,

it can make staying in touch very difficult. There is the option of paying way too much in charges for international long distance while staying at your hotel. To make it cheaper there is also the option of getting a local phone card to make it more affordable. That still has you stuck to using a landline, which is very inconvenient. It also won't help you with receiving calls, because the number changes wherever you go.
A portable sat phone will allow use anywhere. No reason to only make or get calls from the hotel. Anyone that needs to call you can use the same number that they always do. There will be no frantic search for contact info or the need to try the different hotels that you may be visiting. Receiving calls is just as important as making calls and there is nothing that compares to being always available with a sat phone.
There is an valid point to using a Sim card that can be purchased locally in the different destinations. This will still have the issue of a different phone number for the different places that you go to. There will also be the necessity of getting another card for every country that you are traveling in. That adds up to a lot of details that are completely negated with a sat phone. There is also no problem with having to depend on the proximity of cell towers when a satellite phone is the means of communication.
When you have a sat phone there is a certain amount of freedom that is very convenient. It means always having a way to keep in touch. That can be for a daily call from home so the kids can say hi or getting some pressing info immediately from the office. An emergency means of contact is something that is useful in loads of situations. Some for the means of mere convenience and others for a serious means of a safety plan.