Videocon A55 HD Price in India, Videocon A55 HD Features quality 1.2GHz processor
Recently launched smartphone Videocon A55 HD price in India is quite low at Rs. 12,999 especially if go to buy from online stores. Videocon A55 HD price in retail stores isn slightly higher than online price. Videocon A55 HD comes with high quality features like 1.2GHz processor and brilliant screen.
Despite being not among the early player in the market,

Videocon has established its itself as very good mobile player in India. Videocon A55 HD price at very reasonable level and top end features and specifications shows the hold the company enjoy on the smartphone. Videocon A55 HD price can be compared with any of the mid range smartphone in the market though it has some of the features which are match for premium smartphone. Videocon A55 HD review of its high quality 5 inch screen, 8MP primary camera and 1.2GHz dual core processor are some of these to get a feel of what users can expect in the smartphone.Videocon A55 HD has very good quality screen of 5 inch which puts this smartphone in exclusive category of smartphone. Only very few smartphone in Indian market have this size screen which are available at similar and higher price range. Videocon A55 HD screen also has multi point touch quality which will enable users to work with much faster speed which is very important if you have very limited time. This aspect will make this smartphone highly attractive to even professional category of users who need to complete their assignments very quickly.Videocon A55 HD features list also include very good quality 1.2GHz dual core processor which is simply the best when it comes to high performance. Usually smartphone in mid price range are available with 1GHz processor which is suitable for light to medium kind of applications. Videocon A55 HD also has 1GB RAM which is another icing on the cake when it comes to speed of working on various applications. With this combined package, users can be sure of best performance when they are watching movies, playing games and recording HD videos.Videocon A55 HD price in mid range seems like a good strategy for the company since it will help create good demand even in the launch period itself. Usually company comes with higher prices for their smartphone and then reduces it to boost demand after sometime. Videocon A55 HD with highly attractive features at low price shall become popular among its target users very quickly. This will also add pressure on other smartphone to lower their prices and hence to make them more and more affordable.Videocon A55 HD is definitely going to add more competition which is good news for the consumers. It will also set new trend of high quality feature rich smartphone launched at low price. Having top quality processor, wide HD screen and long battery life also shows users can expect more and more smartphone targeted for specific consumers segments in India.