Voicemail is necessary as most customers will wish to leave a message when the called person is not available to answer the phone. Music on Hold is a pleasant feature as when a caller is placed on hold he/she will have some music to listen to.
There have been tremendous advancements in telephone technology and today there are several business phone systems with a host of useful features. Business telephone systems assist in initiating and maintaining contact with customers,

suppliers, employees and other stakeholders. You can choose for your business one of the many business phone systems available keeping with your needs and call traffic.
There are many choices ranging from a small system of ten phones to giant systems that can support several thousands of phones. Whatever the size you choose, make sure to buy the features that will enhance the quality of your business communication and improve customer relationship. Most businesses will require certain standard features like call forwarding, call transfer, music on hold, conferencing, auto attendant and voice mail.
Voicemail is necessary as most customers will wish to leave a message when the called person is not available to answer the phone. Music on Hold is a pleasant feature as when a caller is placed on hold he/ she will have some music to listen to. Conferencing will be an extremely useful feature as it will enable three or more callers to hold an open discussion. An auto attendant may be described as a digital operator that routes incoming calls to the individual or department concerned.
You must properly assess the number of phones and equipment needed. You must take into account the number of employees as also the extensions needed for fax machines, modems, credit card terminals, etc. Please note buy a
phone system that is scalable so that you can add extensions as your business expands.
If the system is designed for a large corporation that has more than 500 employees, it might not be the best investment for your small or midsize business because you would be overpaying for a high capacity system you really will not need.
Likewise, do not also buy features that you may never use. You need business phone systems with features that are useful and strictly needed for your business. A good phone system should have all of the basic features and few extra features to make your business communication more efficient.
Modern phone systems have come a long way from manual operators and antiquated switchboards. We are living in the age of the Internet and as such VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) is indisputably the most cost-effective and flexible choice. This is a recent technology and has many benefits over PBX and other older phone systems. Many companies use the Web on a day-to-day basis, so they should choose a phone system with VoIP capabilities.
Because there are so many options, prospective buyers often get overwhelmed. Bear in mind your budget limits and try to do a little cost-benefit analysis and buy the best system possible within your estimated price range. With a plethora of systems available in the market, it should not be difficult for you to make a wise purchase.
Prospective buyers should consider at least three to five quotations before making the final choice. A spreadsheet displaying the advantages and disadvantages of each supplier will help arrive at an informed decision. Please bear in mind that the cheapest offer need not necessarily be the best for you.
Depending on the nature of your business, a business phone system can be effectively used to streamline internal/ external communications as well as minimize the need for additional personnel. With the correct configuration, the right business phone system can help the business enterprise cut operating costs and at the same time improve productivity.