There are are some very good reasons why the results of a reverse cell phone search are not free.
Have you ever tried to find the owner of a cell phone number? If you have not every tried to do this,

it can seem like a daunting task if you don’t know where to look and what to look for in a reverse cell phone search directory. Another potential hurdle to cross are the myriad of websites that promise visitors free results for this kind of search.
The only problem with what these sites are offering is they have no intention, and don’t have the ability, to offer free results in result to a reverse mobile phone lookup. But they will lead you to believe all the way until it comes time for you to receive the results of your report.
What these sites will provide for free is a very limited report that reveals where the wireless number was issued and possibly the name of the caller’s wireless carrier. They will then offer to sell you what they will call a “full report” that will reveal the very information they offered at no charge to start with.
The results of a reverse cell phone search are pretty close to what you will find when you search the name and address of a landline number. But the results of a search of landline number are free, while the results of a wireless number are NOT free.
So, the question is…
Why Do We Have To Pay Money For The Results of a Reverse Cell Phone Search?
To answer that question, you need to understand how landline numbers and wireless numbers are categorized. Landline numbers are a matter of public information. So, if the number is listed, anyone can easily find out the owner’s name and address using any number of free public directories.
Mobile numbers, on the other hand, are NOT considered public information. Instead, they are considered private property. And certain privacy laws protect the personal information connected to these numbers. This explains why telemarketers are prohibited from calling mobile numbers.
Telephone companies like T-Mobile, Sprint, Verizon, and AT&T own the identifying information connected with these numbers. If you visit any one of these company’s websites, you will find that no one of them offers the pubic a directory for the personal information connected to these mobile numbers.
They don’t even sell the information directly to the public.
And sure you won’t find this information for free by looking on Google, Yahoo, or any other search engine. And if you get on the website of one the many websites that falsely advertising “free” results for such searches, I can assure you these “free” results will NEVER be delivered and you may wind up getting ripped off by their game of bait and switch.
The Best Way To Perform a Reverse Cell Phone Search
So, if you want to quickly and easily discover every bit of personal information a telephone company carries on any one its wireless customers, you will have to get on the website of a dependable reverse cell phone directory.
These directories are the businesses that the telephone companies continually lease the most current information behind all of the mobile numbers they service to. The cost really is not that much and well worth it when you consider just how much personal information can quickly and easily be discovered about almost anyone with just the possession of the person’s mobile phone number.