5G is Coming - Fast but Furious As a computer oriented business, we love advancements and innovations in technology, but when the health of our customers is at stake - it is our duty to inform you of the risks.
5G is the term used to describe the next-generation of mobile networks beyond the 4G LTE mobile networks commonly used today. 5G is intended to be the technology that allows the Internet of Things (IOT) to exist and tie all internet connected devices together.
Currently there is no standard for 5G networks in place and it will be a combination of a variety of frequencies and modulations. Industry is developing exactly what 5G will be as the standard has not been set yet. It is assumed that 5G networks will not become commercially available until 2020 but several cities across the globe, including the US and of course Canada, are rolling out 5G in test areas now.
Safe? Not so much.
For more in-depth information please read the full report at the Environmental Health Trust website. Here is also a very short video for those interested.
Since 5G does not have a long range, there will be towers put up every few meters, making the escape from their waves virtually impossible while strolling the city. However, there are ways to minimize the risks.
Now, we're not saying that you need to throw away all your mobile devices. Our goal is always to encourage a balanced, healthy life. One of the things that can do damage to your health is this kind of EMF radiation, but there are ways to lessen the damage and protect yourself.
Even though 5G is not fully rolled out in Calgary - yet - many home routers already have 5G built in. By default, the 5G wifi in your router will be on. WE HIGHLY RECOMMEND TURNING IT OFF. Routers come equiped with both 5G and 2.4G wifi signals and since 5G has such a short range and doesn't pass through walls very well, it is not commonly used at home. If you are unsure of how to disable the 5G on your router, we would be glad to help. Simply schedule a tech to swing by and health-optimize your home network.
99% of all home wifi routers have 5G enabled by default.
Not sure how to disable it? We can come do this for you right away so you can get a better nights sleep. While we are at it, we can also health optimize your network and computers to make sure you and your machine stay healthy and free of security threats!
All this can be done within a single hour for only $88 : Definitely worth it!
For residents of Calgary click here: Tech!Espresso Computer Repair Calgary
For residents of Edmonton click here: Tech!Espresso Computer Repair Edmonton
Contact Tracing and Your Privacy
The COVID-19 pandemic has seen governments across the world restricting civil liberties and movement to new levels. To aid the safe lifting of current public health restrictions, new technologies are being developed – contact tracing apps - and rolled out to automate labour intensive tasks critical to containing the spread of the virus. This raises the question; Should we be doing something less intrusive and more effective instead?Working From Home during COVID19
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