You need to perform monthly checkups on your tape backup device.
Tape backups for the most part are not very dependable at all. These tapes can be broken very easily, even the slightest bit of greece can damage them and make them all in a usable. Think about this, you've spent many hours accumulating important information for your business only to find that it is lost due to a damaged tape.
There are so many ways for you to backup your data securely rather then using tape backups.
Tape backup is not always the best way to record your data fully, sometimes they even report it as a blank. If you are using a tape backup then it's important that you check to see that it has actually been backed up. There are numerous problems that can occur if your equipment is not correctly cleansed. You might be in for a nasty shock if you have been doing lots of backups and you find the tape has not been saving your info.
There are lots of other options to use for data backup, and if you are searching for a secure way to save information then I would advise you to stay away from tape backup. There are things that will be much more secure such as external disc drives, flash drives and online backup systems. With all of the umpteen ways to backup your invaluable data there is no reason at all that you should use any tape backup at all.
Let me tell you from first hand experience that its the most awful feeling when you think that you are doing the right thing to back up your files and folders on your PC only to find out at the worst time that it was not being done at all. It is not too bad if you already loose personal information, but losing critical business information can cost you lots of money. Even the best kept back up system cannot always keep you from losing important information, even though you did your best to keep it clean and observed all the instructions from the maker.
Trust me when I tell you that its in your best interest to purchase a backup software package such as an external hard drive or a second hard drive. These are much better answers then using a tape backup.
A simple search on one of the major search engines will back up my theory that's it is not just to me who has had problems with tape backup.
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