You need to perform monthly checkups on your tape backup device.
Using a tape backup is not very dependable when saving valuable information. These tapes can be broken very easy, even the slightest bit of greece can damage them and make them all in a usable. Think about this, you've spent umpteen hours accumulating important information for your business enterprise only to find that it is lost due to a broken tape.
There are so umpteen ways for you to backup your information securely rather then using tape backups. It is not unusual to find out your tape backup has recorded non-of your essential information, in fact it sometimes blank. If you are using a tape backup then it's critical that you check to see that it has in reality been backed up. If you do not keep your equipment clean this can cause lots of storage problems. And if you have been doing consistent checkups then you might be in for a very nasty shock.
Using a tape backup is not one of the best ways to save info, so I would suggest that you look for some alternatives. There are lots of ways you can save your data, for example, flash drives, on-line backup or external disk drives. There is no reason that you should use any type of tape backup when there are many more up-to-date ways to save your precious information.
There is nothing worse than finding that you in reality have not saved all your files and folders, and this is from first-hand experience. This can happen on any Mac, and the worst thing is that it not only cost you but it also costs you cash. Even after keeping all the equipment clean you can never be sure that a tape backup will perform in the way that you were told it would.
Using reliable backup systems like external disk drives or other on-line service would be in the best interests of your business concern. Using these types of systems are a better answer for your business enterprise.
There is lots of information available about tape backup and the problems you could have, a simple search on one of the major search engines will show you that lots of other individuals have had the same problems.
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