Basic HTML How To
Learning basic HTML will enhance your marketing abilities and allow you access to other tools for advertising your business. Basic HTML skills are one of the essential tools for online marketing.
You can use basic HTML in many ways and in various places. You can change simple things by making your font bolder,

bigger, or smaller by using the simplest of codes. You can create page breaks and separate your paragraphs or thoughts. Change the color of your font, create a text link, or place a picture or graphic image on your web site. If you have not yet copied and pasted a graphic or background lay-out onto a web page or a social network site such as My Space, give that a try. It will show you a great example of what an HTML code actually looks like. Study it for a few minutes to get a good look at the tweaks that could be made to any code to change just a bit of the end result. We use HTML at social networks, on web pages, and in solo advertisements for business marketers. Basic HTML will make your page or advertisements stand out from the crowd. Get noticed and learn a bit of HTML. To change your font and make it show a bit of your personality or to make it jump out of the page, you will need these basic HTML codes. I will be putting spaces between the characters here to be able to post this on an area that uses HTML. When you type this, leave no spaces between the characters. Making your font bolder only requires you to type . Typing in multiple sets will create an even bolder font. At the end of the word or phrase you wish to be bold, type . This code will close the bold print. You can make your font bigger or smaller as well by using the code or and then closing it off with or . That is the extent of it. It is really this easy to do. If you need a separation between ideas, thoughts, or paragraphs then use the code . If you would like a double space between the text, type two or more in a row, all touching with no spaces. This is best used with graphic images and photos, or banners and music players. It prevents the images from running together and creates a much cleaner page view. Another neat little trick is changing your font color. Red jumps right off the page, blue is a very mellow and calming color, and yellow when used with a combination of red and black makes a very bold statement. This code is very simple and looks like this, . Now, with this code, you can either just type the color name into "the color" area or do a quick search for HTML font color codes and replace "the color" with the actual color code number given on the site you find. Close the color with . How about adding a text link to your web site or social page? Again, simple once you see it a few times. This is what it looks like. You will need to replace the yoursitehere with your web page link and TextLink with whatever you want to show as your link text. textlink Again, I have created spaces where there should be none to ensure readability. If I posted this on an HTML compatible page it would not show anything except the useable link called textlink. The only space needed here is the one between the A and the HREF. It is a very important space and the code will not properly work without it. There is an easy shortcut to image codes. Uploading a stored photo or image from your computer to a site called Tiny Pic will get you your image code straight away. Just copy and paste into your project. The easiest by far. The wealth of information on and about using, viewing, and learning the basic HTML code is a search engine away. My goal is to enlighten you and show you that you can do it too. That it isn't as difficult as we all may have thought it was and doing it correctly is within reach.