Provides information on various aspects of internet speed accelerator.
Surfing the web can be dangerous affair-it could actually reveal your identity to the world even when you don't want to! It does not necessarily require malware or virus to exist in order for this to happen. The reality remains that each time you get access to the internet, you reveal your critical data such as your place of origin, your browser history and your personal data that can get you into some serious troubles ahead. If you are using a computer that can support programs such as fingers and indents, now they can get access to data such as your name and other personal data that can severely put you at risk.
Wonder about the methodology those malicious minds get all these vital information from you?
It is easy; every time you visit a website, some data will be collected and stored and every visit to a website actually reveals some form of data about you.Others will intercept this data and use to track your activities.
How do you prevent it?
First of all, it is possible to surf the web anonymously and thereby stopping a trail for others to find. Obviously, no one can offer complete protection but these methods do offer some form of safety measurements that anyone can use to make their surfing experience a safer and more enjoyable. This is when anonymous proxy servers come to the rescue. They are used to mask your own IP address. This has the effect of masking your IP address and making it much harder for people to track you.
What is the most effective way to get proxy servers? Opt to buy one from a vendor. There are also free proxy servers available to you.
ShadowSurf and Guardster are two of the best tools online; Guardster gives you the option to choose from both paid and free services. One service you can use at no charge is ShadowSurf. There is a box that you can enter the URL you want no one to track. There are other options but those are the most popular.
Google may be concerned about filtering contents for the Chinese Government, but Anonymiser has a different story. This company goes on to claim that it is developing a new system that allows people in China to surf the Internet totally free from any form of filter.
Does an anonymous proxy server make you 100% safe? No it is a wiser choice than surfing without one. What are other steps to take to ensure a safer surfing adventure? To help keep your information private here are three steps you can use. The first step to take is to use an encrypted connection to hide your activity. The scope is beyond the scope to this article but you can always surf the internet to find out more on this aspect. Te second step is to delete cookies after every session. If you are really serious about ridding your system of all possible threats, then consider getting rid of JavaScript, Java, and active content. Unfortunately, this can be limiting your experience, so you need to consider the ct and benefits of such actions.
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