If you'd like a future in supporting networks then the Microsoft MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator) course is an ideal qualification for...
If you'd like a future in supporting networks then the Microsoft MCSA (Microsoft Certified Systems Administrator) course is an ideal qualification for you. So if you want to get going or already have experience but no certificate,

there's a variety of options to fit either requirement. Each of these options should have a different type of course, so verify that the course is right for you before getting going. Find a training provider that talks with you so they learn what you're trying to achieve, and can help you work out where you can go, before they select your course.
Be careful that the qualifications you're working towards are commercially relevant and are the most recent versions. 'In-house' exams and the certificates they come with are usually worthless. The top IT companies like Microsoft, Cisco, CompTIA or Adobe have widely acknowledged skills courses. Huge conglomerates such as these will make sure you're employable.
If your advisor doesn't question you thoroughly - the likelihood is they're really a salesperson. If they push a particular product before getting to know your background and current experience level, then you know it's true. Quite often, the level to start at for a trainee with a little experience is substantially dissimilar to the student with none. It's wise to consider a user-skills course first. This can set the scene for your on-going studies and make your learning curve a much more gentle.
The way in which your courseware is broken down for you is usually ignored by most students. How many parts is the training broken down into? And in what order and what control do you have at what pace it arrives? Usually, you will join a program that takes between and 1 and 3 years and get posted one section at a time - from one exam to the next. While this may sound logical on one level, consider this: Often, the staged breakdown prescribed by the provider doesn't suit you. You may find it a stretch to finalise every element within the time limits imposed?
To be in the best situation you would have all the learning modules delivered to your home before you even start; every single thing! Thus avoiding any future problems that could impede your progress.
Searching for your first position in IT can feel more straightforward with the help of a Job Placement Assistance facility. Don't get overly impressed with this service - it isn't unusual for eager sales people to overstate it's need. At the end of the day, the still growing need for IT personnel in the United Kingdom is what will enable you to get a job.
Update your CV at the beginning of your training though (advice and support for this should come from your course provider). Don't delay until you've qualified. Being considered a 'maybe' is more than not being regarded at all. Often junior support roles are got by students (who've only just left first base.) The most reliable organisations to help get you placed are most often independent and specialised local recruitment services. Because they make their money when they've found you a job, they're perhaps more focused on results.
A slight frustration for some course providers is how hard people are prepared to work to become certified, but how un-prepared that student is to get the job they've trained for. Have confidence - the IT industry needs YOU.
One interesting way that course providers make a big mark-up is by adding exam fees upfront to the cost of a course then giving it 'Exam Guarantee' status. It looks impressive, till you look at the facts:
In this day and age, we tend to be a tad more knowledgeable about sales gimmicks - and usually we know that for sure it is something we're paying for (it isn't free or out of the goodness of their hearts!) Qualifying on the first 'go' is what everyone wants to do. Taking your exams progressively when it's appropriate and paying for them just before taking them makes it far more likely you'll pass first time - you take it seriously and think carefully about the costs.
Don't you think it's more sensible to not pay up-front, but when you're ready, rather than coughing up months or even a year or two in advance to the training course provider, and to do it locally - instead of miles away at the college's beck and call? Paying upfront for examinations (which also includes interest if you've taken out a loan) is a false economy. Why fill a company's coffers with your hard-earned cash simply to help their cash-flow! Some will be pinning their hopes on the fact that you won't get to do them all - so they get to keep the extra funds. The majority of companies will insist on pre-tests and prohibit you from re-taking an exam until you've completely proven that you're likely to pass - which actually leaves you with no guarantee at all.
Exams taken at local centres are in the region of 112 pounds in the UK. What's the point of paying huge charges for 'Exam Guarantees' (often covertly rolled into the cost of the course) - when good quality study materials, the proper support and commitment, effort and practice with quality exam preparation systems are the factors that really get you through.