Four separate areas of study make up a full CompTIA A+; you're qualified as an A+ achiever when you've achieved certifications for just two specialist...
Four separate areas of study make up a full CompTIA A+; you're qualified as an A+ achiever when you've achieved certifications for just two specialist areas. This is the reason that most colleges offer only two of the training courses. In fact you will need the training for all four areas as many jobs will require the skills and knowledge of all four areas. It isn't necessary to complete all 4 certifications, however we'd advise that you take tutorials in all 4 subjects.
Alongside being taught about the ins and outs of building and maintaining computers,
students on A+ courses will learn how to work in antistatic conditions, how to fault find, to diagnose and to remotely access problems. If you feel it appropriate to add Network+ to your A+ course, you'll additionally be equipped to assist with or manage networks of computers, meaning you're in a position to command a higher salary.
It can be a nerve-racking task, but getting your first computer related job is often eased by training colleges, through a Job Placement Assistance service. Don't get overly impressed with this service - it's easy for eager sales people to overstate it's need. Ultimately, the massive skills shortage in the UK is what will make you attractive to employers.
Bring your CV up to date as soon as possible however (advice and support for this should come from your course provider). Don't procrastinate and leave it until you've graduated or passed any exams. Being considered a 'maybe' is more than not being regarded at all. A decent number of junior support jobs are offered to people who are still at an early stage in their studies. The most efficient companies to get you a new position are most often specialised and independent recruitment consultants. Because they make their money when they've found you a job, they're perhaps more focused on results.
Not inconsiderable numbers of people, so it seems, are prepared to study their hearts out (for years sometimes), only to do nothing special when attempting to secure their first job. Market yourself... Work hard to get in front of employers. Don't expect a job to just fall into your lap.
Trainees looking at this market can be very practical by nature, and aren't really suited to the classroom environment, and struggling through thick study-volumes. If this could be you, use multimedia, interactive learning, with on-screen demonstrations and labs. If we're able to study while utilising as many senses as possible, then we normally see dramatically better results.
Interactive full motion video utilising video demo's and practice lab's will beat books every time. And they're far more fun. It would be silly not to view examples of the courseware provided before you hand over your cheque. You should expect instructor demonstrations, video tutorials and a variety of audio-visual and interactive sections.
Plump for physical media such as CD or DVD ROM's in all circumstances. You can then avoid all the difficulties of internet connection failure and issues with signal quality.
Speak with a capable consultant and we'd be amazed if they couldn't provide you with many horror stories of salespeople ripping-off unsuspecting students. Only deal with a skilled advisor who asks some in-depth questions to find out what's appropriate to you - not for their bank-account! You must establish an ideal starting-point that fits you. Remember, if in the past you've acquired any accreditation or direct-experience, then you may be able to begin at a different level to someone who is new to the field. If this is going to be your first stab at IT study then you might also want to start out with some basic Microsoft package and Windows skills first.
Beginning with the understanding that we need to find the area of most interest first, before we can weigh up what training course ticks the right boxes, how do we know the right direction? Perusing long lists of different and confusing job titles is no use whatsoever. The majority of us don't really appreciate what our next-door neighbours do at work each day - so what chance do we have in understanding the complexities of any specific IT role. Arriving at the right choice can only grow from a careful examination of many varying criteria:
* Which type of individual you consider yourself to be - what tasks do you enjoy doing, and don't forget - what you hate to do.
* Why it seems right moving into IT - maybe you want to achieve some personal goal like working for yourself for example.
* What salary and timescale needs that guide you?
* Learning what the main IT areas and sectors are - plus how they're different to each other.
* The time and energy you'll set aside for your training.
To completely side-step the confusing industry jargon, and uncover what'll really work for you, have a good talk with an advisor with years of experience; someone who will cover the commercial realities and truth as well as each qualification.