Computer Training For Networking Clarified
In this day and age, industry couldn't function properly without assistance from support workers fixing both computers and networks, while advising us...
In this day and age,

industry couldn't function properly without assistance from support workers fixing both computers and networks, while advising users on a constant basis. The world's requirement for such skilled and qualified members of the workforce is growing at an impressive rate, as industry becomes progressively more technologically advanced.
A key training package should incorporate Microsoft (or key company) exam preparation packages. Steer clear of depending on unauthorised exam papers and questions. The terminology of their questions is often somewhat different - and often this creates real issues when the proper exam time arrives. Be sure to ask for exam preparation tools so you'll be able to verify your comprehension along the way. Mock exams log the information in your brain - then you're much more at ease with the real thing.
Finding your first job in the industry can be a little easier with a Job Placement Assistance facility. Because of the great shortage of skills in Britain today, there isn't a great need to become overly impressed with this service however. It really won't be that difficult to get a job as long as you've got the necessary skills and qualifications.
One important thing though, don't wait till you have passed your final exams before updating your CV. The day you start training, list what you're working on and get promoting! Quite frequently, you will be offered your initial job whilst you're still studying (even when you've just left first base). If you haven't updated your CV to say what you're studying (and it isn't in the hands of someone with jobs to offer) then you're not even going to be known about! Normally you'll get quicker results from a specialist independent regional employment service than you'll experience from any training provider's centralised service, because they'll know the area better.
In a nutshell, as long as you focus the same level of energy into getting a position as into studying, you won't find it too challenging. A number of students inexplicably put hundreds of hours into their learning program and then just stop once qualified and appear to be under the impression that jobs will come to them.
Get rid of the typical salesperson who just tells you what course you should do without a decent chat so as to understand your abilities plus your level of experience. They should be able to select from a expansive choice of training products so they can give you a program that suits you.. Where you have a strong background, or perhaps a bit of live experience (possibly even some previous certification?) then it's likely the point from which you begin your studies will vary from someone with no background whatsoever. Commencing with a foundation module first will sometimes be the most effective way to get up and running on your IT studies, but really depends on your level of familiarity with computers.
Be on the lookout that any certifications you're studying for will be recognised by employers and are up-to-date. Training companies own certificates are usually worthless. Unless the accreditation comes from a major player like Microsoft, CompTIA, Cisco or Adobe, then you may discover it could have been a waste of time and effort - as it'll be an unknown commodity.