Converting Adobe Acrobat PDF file to MS Word files - How to do it fast
A common question we hear is: I want to convert PDF to Word documents. How do I go about that? Here are a few hints.
PDF (Portable Document Format) files are common on today's computers. The format was release in 1993 San Jose,
CA based Adobe Systems Inc. The PDF format was designed as a method of sending, retrieving and storing large documents. It has become the format of choice for business, educators and government. Oftentimes, users want to convert PDF files into Word documents. The problems is that PDF files weren`t designed with that purpose in mind. Typically they can't be altered from what you see on the screen unless you have the original authoring password. Keep in mind that the PDF format is essentially a “snapshot” or a graphic portrayal of text; it is not actually text itself in the true sense of the word. Because of its design it is difficult, if not impossible, to “copy and paste” a portion of a PDF file into a Word or other document.So, how would one go about converting PDF to Word documents? Reasonably enough, in order to convert PDF to Word one needs a PDF to Word Converter program. In order to covert PDF to Word (or another text document format) one must use a program that essentially interprets the “snapshot,” which is the PDF file, and converts it into a text file recognizable by “Word” or other text based programs. Where does one get such a program? The first choice would be your local software or office supply store. It's always best to have a hard copy of any program on your computer. If you need something right away then a quick search of the internet will produce lots of PDF to Word converter programs that can be purchased for anywhere from $20.00 to $100.00. Often you can download a “free” 30 day trial of the program so that you can try it out before paying for it. If you go this route be prepared to put up with the advertising and “pop ups” that usually accompany “free” trials. There are “free” PDF to Word converter programs available for download also. If you choose to go this way then be careful about spyware, adware and other types of malware you don't want to have in your computer as these often come attached to “free” programs.A good PDF to Word Converter program can be a tremendously useful tool. By converting PDFs to DOCs one can save hours of typing and editing (keeping in mind copyright and plagiarism issues of course!) You should probably try different converter programs, using the “Free Trial” offers, in order to find the best value and the one you're most comfortable using. Remember, because you are dealing with two very different types of formats a good PDF to Word Converter program will b tremendously helpful in getting the job done right.