Cures For Bol U Ledjima Related Problems
Get the more information about the bol u ledjima and its related problems.
Bol u ledjima is a word which means Back Pain. Bol u ledjima is a frequent cause of leave applications on medical grounds. It is a common complaint among IT employees,

other seat glued office bearers. It is more common among those who ignore their sitting posture and sit for hours without break. The other causes can be any injury with a thrust to back, weakening of bone due to any disease or ageing or decrease in bone density in menopause in women, in any chronic ailment like cancer, in herniation, or bone growth that is spur formation, fracture. The back has muscles, nerves, bones, ligaments, joints therefore causes of bol u ledjima can be specific to these structures. Bol u ledjima can be in the upper part that is neck, in upper part of the spine, in the lower part and the tailbone. Bol u ledjima can be associated with other ailments like bladder incontinence, fever, trauma disturbed sleep, other conditions like gender related as osteoporosis, fracture, herniation, degenerative diseases, psychological like, disturbed family relation, job stress, inflammation. Pain is of mostly three types as acute, sub-acute and chronic. Acute pain lasts for about four weeks and is sharp and for short duration. Sub- acute is for four to twelve weeks. It is usually severe and lasts for long. The third is dull and continuous without spell. Since the spine is a network of nerves running through bones with holes in them the vertebrae, the compression of the nerve ending due to any cause creates pain in the related area.Bol u ledjima is common in bed ridden patients as the patients who do not or are unattended develop this complaint. The patient presents with pain in the back. The history leads to the cause and hence the treatment becomes easy. The investigations follow as the X-ray spine, the related causes as herniation and other diseases require ultra-sound, CT scan, MRI and the test for the bone density. The diagnosis thus finalized points to the treatment, which should kick-start as bol u ledjima is at times debilitating. The treatment is conservative, which is most recommended as the invasive treatment is the last resort and risky. Conservative treatment high lights the need to eliminate the cause as in IT workers the sitting posture should be upright and work should have intermittent standing and exercise spells as ignoring this tip would lea to severe bol u ledjima. Exercise is important. Lifting should be careful avoiding twisting or sudden jerk to the spine. Pain is relieved by heating the area, muscle relaxants and analgesics and massage. Acupuncture is also the effective and a alternative to invasive therapy. Exercise, physical therapy as stretching that relaxes muscles, chiropractic therapy are all necessary treatment line in bol u ledjima. Bol u ledjima is preventable by understanding and educating the importance of sitting posture, exercise and avoiding twist of the spine in lifting and warm up before strenuous work.