Data Loss Problems Find an Easy Solution
Accidental or erroneous deletions of files are one of the leading causes of data loss in homes and businesses. If you're one of those who may have clicked that "Delete" button once too often, there are better ways of handling the situation than just wringing your hands and crying over spilt milk. Read on and find out how you can easily "undo" common data loss problems.
You might constantly blame your computer for lost files,

but did you know that approximately one third of data loss problems are caused by human error? If you've managed to delete needed files from your computer and fall into this third, then you don't need to collapse into a stress-reduced mess. All is not lost! Just as computers are evolving, so is the software to protect your work from mistaken commands.Recovering Lost EmailsBelieve it or not, email is one of the easiest types of file to retrieve - as long as your files are still in the system's Delete folder anyway. All email programs have a Delete folder and this is where each email message goes when you click to delete from your inbox. It's like a safety net to catch any important email that you inadvertently delete as you work your way through a long list of spam. The problem with this is that some email programs have a time limit on the Delete folder and so you should find out what time frame your system works on and make a mental note to schedule a look through the deleted items every few days just to ensure you haven't dumped something there that doesn't belong.So if the item in question is no longer in the Deleted Folder, then your problem may just have gotten more complicated, albeit not totally hopeless. With the use of email recovery software, you can get back your lost items in no time at all.How to retrieve items removed from the recycle bin.Computer users know about the Recycle Bin. If you're into Linux, it's called the Wastebin; but it serves the same purpose - to store files deleted from the main folders. Now, if at some point you also emptied the recycle bin, whether intentionally or by mistake, and it turns out that they still serve some purpose for you, is there no way of getting them back? The Windows Help menu may say that once a file in the recycle bin is deleted, this is permanently removed from the system. The good news is, this is not entirely true and the files may still be there although not easily accessible. What you need is a reliable file recovery software and you'll have your files back quickly enough.Recovering Digital Images and MusicIf you have a good file recovery software program then this should include finding your lost digital photographs and other multi-media such as music and videos. One really good feature of this software is that you can often select which files you want restored so you have a chance of weeding out things that you don't want to keep but which are taking up disk space.As with many things in life, and data loss solutions are no exception, there's a catch! It takes money and effort to retrieve your files. One license for good data recovery software costs approximately $100, and you may need to test drive a few programs until you find the one that works best for you.Now, there's an easier and cheaper way to keep your files protected against data loss! Know more about the best online storage solutions, such as Carbonite, and how these services work to stop data loss at dirt cheap prices too!