In certain business scenarios, Corporate ERP prospect is so innovative, that traditional processes could not be implemented.
In such case company management might be not aware how traditional accounting system with ERP and MRP extensions could be modified to meet desired requirements, as those requirements could not be mapped to such traditional modules as General Ledger, Accounts Payable and Receivable, Sales and Purchase Order Processing, Human Resources, Manufacturing, Service Management. In comparison to traditional Sure Step project types, such as Rapid, Standard, Enterprise and Upgrade, where you methodically move the project from Diagnostic, toward Analysis, Design, Development, Deployment and Operation phases, Agile Project suggests regular (or maybe new sprint scope driven) Sprint cycles: Analysis, Design, Development and then back to Analysis. When newly completed Sprint cycle proves its feasibility and readiness for deployment – it goes to the Deployment and Operation phases with some additional risks, typically associated with custom business processes, complex integration, data conversion and reporting. Great Plains customization tools, such as Dexterity, eConnect, Extender, Web Services, Microsoft Visual Studio Libraries, Modifier with VBA, Integration Manager should be expected and if you are the customer with potential Agile GP implementation project, you should verify that prospecting VAR has such skills and certifications under its belt. Let’s review some additional details, associated with Agile Project Type:
1. Innovation Business Culture. If you are building the business which is completely unique (and probably you are hoping to get support from venture capital firm), chances are high that you have your vision to show you the future horizons, but when it comes to your Accounting or Corporate ERP systems, your vision is not really clear. It is often difficult in such situation to invite CPA type of professional, who could guide you in ERP implementation – CPA is something established and conservative and what you are trying to build is in opposite – innovative
2. Agile Project Type – Microsoft Dynamics or another ERP platform (maybe SAP, Oracle, Sage?). Well, here in our opinion the question is about Corporate ERP platform openness to Customizations, Integrations, Reporting, Data Migrations and Conversions. If you are business owner, your initial duties are selecting ERP platform, which is flexible and powerful enough to be deployed as the base for Agile ERP implementation project
3. Some warnings about Agile Project Type selection. If your company is coming through its management team change and newly introduced managers are simply not familiar with established business processes, this fact is not a good justification to decide on Agile Project Type implementation approach. If you are manager and feel, that you are not really familiar with your company business processes, take your time to get required training and grasp
4. International Projects and Agile Type misidentification possibility. If you have pretty clear vision in your company Headquarters on your required ERP functionality in the future ERP system, this fact doesn’t mean that your international facility is sharing your vision without it to be communicated. We saw numerous examples, when US based multinational corporation decides to implement GP in Mexico, Caribbean, Central or South America, we are invited to discuss the FRD somewhere in Colombia and all the sudden we realize that Colombian managerial team has no idea on the requirements imposed in USA, plus they see the needs to comply to Colombia tax code (the second observation is legitimate in our opinion, it should help you to do better project management in the Headquarters). Our recommendation is to coordinate with your international facility key decision makers on the procedures and requirements – try to stick to Enterprise or Standard project type in Sure Step (versus Agile)
5. Emerging Markets and Agile misidentification. We are traditionally consulting in such emerging markets as Brazil, Russia, Mexico, Ecuador, Honduras, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines. Please, try to hire project manager or IT department leader who got formal college degree in IT, BBA or MBA, associated with Computers and Information Systems. Additional recommendations are professional project management certification. Plus local country equivalents of Certified Management Accountant
6. Dexterity Customizations. Here we assume that you are done with your homework and you are ready to agree to accept you project type as Agile in Sure Step implementation. Dexterity is the architecture of GP user interface and its Database Structure
7. If you feel that your concerns are not addressed or your question is not answered, please feel free to contact our office. Support domestically in the USA, Canada, Mexico and internationally. This option is possible via Web Sessions, Skype or Phone conferences and direct visits onsite (in the case of the large scale project). Our consulting team speaks English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Filipino. Feel free to call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904, or email
Dexterity Customization for Dynamics GP Evaluation Level Paper
When you are developer it is always a good idea to read technical manuals. But if you was just assigned to the IT team to decide if Dexterity is the right tool to customize your ERP application then first you need something which is in style of ‘easy reading papers’ or FAQPlanning Dynamics GP Customization in Large Corporation
If you are reading this page then chances are high that you were not able to find ISV add-on and need customization project. Let’s talk about planning, quality assurance and future event such as version updates.Dynamics GP Invoice Logo Attributed to Specific Company or Crossing the Borders of Three SOP Forms
Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella