It is common scenario, when mid-size USA based firm or corporation goes internationally: outsources production and assembly, research and development, acquires mining facility, you name it...
If this is your case,

and you work for corporate IT department, the question you are likely facing is your Corporate ERP application, in our article Microsoft Dynamics GP, formerly known as Great Plains Dynamics, is a good fit for overseas branch. As you probably expect, the answer is - it depends... Before we dive into details, please think about two complicating factors: foreign country usually speaks and writes in foreign language and second - foreign country typically enjoys independence and it exposes it own domestic regulations on businesses (tax code, government financial reporting, licensing). Sometimes it goes even further, as local accounting practice might be cash oriented in profit recognition (where most generic Corporate ERP platforms in USA count on accrual method). Let's move on to details:
1. Dynamics GP Server License. Licensing is per server, so if you plan to roll Great Plains out for international subsidiary, you can do so, if you add GP company on your Headquarters server, the same one, which hosts you current Great Plains system. please, note, that Microsoft SQL Server database for overseas subsidiary must support foreign language collaterals, assuming that targeted language is based in Latin alphabet: accents and other character modification marks
2. Where in the World Dynamics GP is localized? ERP localization typically assumes translation to local language and compliance to local country business regulations. About 10 years ago, when Great Plains Software was American software development corporation - it has only Great Plains Dynamics as its Accounting platform for international expansion. Those days Great Plains was available in multiple languages, including major European, such as Spanish, German, French, Polish, even Russian. However, when Microsoft acquired Great Plains Software in 2001 and then shortly after Navision Software (adding Navision and Axapta to Microsoft Corporate ERP family), and as Navision already had large portion of European Corporate ERP market, the emphasis was made in Navision direction, and Dynamics GP was step by step deemphasized in Europe. Similar story happened in Brazil, where our company was chosen by Microsoft to localize Great Plains 7.5 and then Navision was chosen as preferred ERP platform and now emphasis is Dynamics AX (formerly known as Axapta). At this time, October 2009, Microsoft Dynamics GP version 10.0 is available in English speaking countries: US, UK, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, South Africa, Oceania, English speaking South East Asia (Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia). It is also available in Spanish for most of Central and Latin American countries. In French it is available for Quebec. Local Dynamics ISV partners have limited support for Dynamics GP in Poland
3. What if all we need to do is translate several Dynamics GP interfaces into local language and maybe have few Custom Crystal Reports? This is not very difficult routine. Translation could be done in Great Plains Dexterity (String resources), and you could deploy translated Dynamics.dic on the terminal server or Citrix, dedicated for foreign office GP users
4. Unicode characters (typically hieroglyphs: Chinese, Japanese, Korean). Here you do not have a lot of room for Dynamics GP customization, as Great Plains Dexterity platform (GP architecture foundation layer) doesn't support Unicode at this time, and likely will not support in the future. Dexterity is the shell programmed in C++ in earlier 1990th, when Unicode was not yet known. Some limited GP functionality could be open out if you deploy NJ Star products (we are happy to give them some credits here)
5. What if I don't see my country listed here? Well, if you are dedicated to Microsoft Dynamics platform, please consider couple of ways. One would be have Microsoft CRM implemented in local language, where you can produce Quotes and Sales Orders and integrate them to Dynamics GP in the headquarters (where GP company is open for CRM integration only). Second option is implementing Dynamics GP AX Axapta (it is localized in wide variety of countries, including China and it supports Unicode characters). What if you do not think that AX or CRM is the way to go? then read next paragraph
6. SAP Business One. This small and mid-market business Corporate ERP and MRP application is perfect in our opinion in international implementation and integration to Corporate Great Plains scenarios. SB1 is localized in such countries as Brazil, China, Japan, Russia, most of continental Europe. It does support Unicode. We have implemented SBO in international corporations, where SB1 company is integrated to Dynamics GP via Integration Manager scheduled integrations on General Ledger level. You can easily export SB1 transaction in Excel format and then include them into FRx consolidated Financial reporting. As "Luxury" approach we recommend overnight or weekly GL transaction level integration from SAP Business One to Microsoft Dynamics GP via Integration Manager or eConnect (if complex custom integration logic is required and it is not doable in IM VBA event based scripting), and as budget approach we recommend exporting SB1 Financial Statements (Profit and Loss, Balance Sheet) to Excel and consolidate them on FRx reporting level
7. Recommendations for Russia. In Russian Federation you may find very strong local Accounting school and very challenging business practice regulation. SAP Business One is localized for Russia, but considering tough business regulation, you may decide to implement local Corporate ERP packages, such as 1S Accounting (1C bukhgalteria)
8. Recommendations for Brazil. In our opinion SB1, Axapta are both ready for being chosen, SAP Business One is cheaper in licensing and implementation services budget, AX has more functionality (especially considering Process manufacturing, where Axapta is the leader - Brazilian food processing and export to USA, Europe). In Brazil you may also hear strong sentiments against foreign Corporate ERP systems, and if this is too important for Brazilian accounting folks, consider such local Brazilian package as Microsiga9. How to get help? Please, feel free to call us: 1-866-528-0577, outside of USA: 1-630-961-5918 or email us We are very technical and real Dynamics GP Dexterity, SAP Business One SDK programming gurus. We have Great Plains Software Development Factory and could support unlimited Dynamics GP Customization and Programming needs. Plus we speak English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and not only as native speaking sales folks, but as real technical consultants. If you prefer skype: albaspectrum