In some scenarios, especially when you are getting return from your customers, you would like to issue refund check.
It is possible in GP, assuming that you have both Receivables and Payables management modules registered. Let’s review the implementation and the daily routines in RM Refund Checks. Before we go to details, we would like to mention that you can refund to Parent vendor, if you are using National Accounts, you would need to create Parent Vendor, as creation vendor on the fly would not work in the Parent/Child situation. Let’s begin with setup:
1. In Sales series Setup section click on Refund Checks, you will have Refund Checks Setup form open. And let’s review the fields on this form. Default Suspense Account. This account should wash out debit memos and checks and by the end of the process it should get zero balance
2. Auto Create Vendors from Customers. You may specify Vendor Class for defaults settings inheritance and vendor ID Option: possible combinations are Vendor ID = Customer ID or Vendor ID = Next Default Vendor ID. In is also possible to create Vendor as Temporary Vendor
3. Integrate with EFT. If you are using Electronic File Transfer functionality in Payables Management and would like to refund amounts directly to the vendor account, consider checking this box. Please be sure, that you discussed this situation with your Great Plains consultant, as there are several nuances
4. Auto Open Print Payables Checks. If you would like to print paper checks as part of the routine, consider checking that box. In Accounts Payable module Refund Check are forming Computer checks batch, allowing you to print checks in one step and then either post or void them
5. Implementing Refund Checks in Large Organization. Multicurrency is supported through both AR and AP modules. Please, note that Refund Checks requires RM and PM integration, and you should have both modules registered, contact your Great Plains Reseller, if you are not sure what does that mean. RC functionality could be implemented for Multinational company or Worldwide Organization, assuming that you are doing business in the countries, where GP is localized (compliance to targeted country business related legislation and supporting foreign user interface)
6. Printing Reports. If you are printing to the file, with recent versions of GP you have additional options: HTML and XML Data File
7. Great Plains Older Versions. If you are planning to implement Refund Check functionality, we recommend you to be on the current version of GP, such as 2010 (as we are writing these lines in March of 2011). If you have to commit to your legacy/historical version of Great Plains, such as GP Select on Pervasive SQL Server 2000/Btrieve, or Ctree, or even Great Plains Accounting for DOS, Windows or Mac: 9.5, 9.2, 9.1 or earlier – we respect your situation and support all the versions of Great Plains ever released
8. If you feel that your concerns are not addressed or your question is not answered, please feel free to contact our office. Support domestically in the USA, Canada, Mexico and internationally. This option is possible via Web Sessions, Skype or Phone conferences and direct visits onsite (in the case of the large scale project). Our consulting team speaks English, Chinese, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian, Filipino. Feel free to call us 1-866-304-3265, 1-269-605-4904, or email
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Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella