Dynamics GP Support in Michigan Introduction Notes
Dynamics GP implementation for Michigan businesses have some specifics. First of all we would like to mention spare parts mid-size manufacturing and assembly on order businesses, where Dynamics GP has good set of Distribution modules: Inventory, Bill of Materials (if you require all the features of discrete manufacturing with MRP, QA, Production Floor Planning – you can consider GP Manufacturing suite of modules).
We also would like to mention government contractors,

especially in Grand Rapids area. The thirds focus is likely to be Healthcare and associated contractors; plus forestry, farmer unions and cooperatives, in fruit, berries niches, wineries, farmer produce wholesalers and food processing mills. Below we are highlighting Dynamics GP consulting related topics:
1. Dynamics GP implementations and unsuccessful implementation recovery (second opinion). Great Plains ERP is good option for light manufacturing, distributions, logistics, mid-size retailers. Implementation include sales cycle with GP demos, modules selection, covering unique business processes in specifications, customization needs identification, estimating reporting, integrations. When Sales cycle is behind – we do data migration, massage and conversions from your legacy accounting applications to Dynamics GP, precise user training, pilot month – parallel with your legacy Corporate ERP or MRP (when required) and then going into production with Dynamics GP
2. Dynamics GP with Barcoding add-ons. Modern ERP application typically doesn’t only resides on your Server with User Workstation outlets. It goes to your Warehouse, Delivery Truck, Production Facility. Barcoding is probably the key technology for your Supply Chain Management. In Southern Michigan you might be looking for Warehouse Management System selection, implementation and integration with your Corporate ERP application, such as Microsoft Dynamics GP
3. Manufacturing Workflow and Batch Posting extensions for Great Plains. Alba Spectrum Workflow and Posting Server offers such features as GP batches autoposting directly from your external legacy, EDI, ecommerce applications or the application of another nature, where you need control over Dynamics GP batch posting. In Manufacturing especially, custom Workflow might be important – you may need to create, approve and post Manufacturing Orders automatically or at the integration point from your external manufacturing automation system (might be coded and based in Oracle, Microsoft Access, MySQL/PHP/Linux, etc.)
4. eCommerce for Microsoft Dynamics GP. Electronic Commerce in B2B and B2C flavors is becoming sort of something that is required or about to be required. We recommend Alba Spectrum ecommerce module, which is completely integrated with such Shopping Carts as Magento and works with Alba Spectrum integrated WMS module. Let’s say – ecommerce order is placed online and then it is immediately scheduled (upon the Credit Card payment) for order execution on your warehouse floor (via Great Plains WMS module) – your Warehouse workers with barcode scanners are doing their wonderful job to pick and pack, schedule shipping via UPS, FedEx, or your generic Freight Forwarder and you are done with the order fulfillment and delivery
5. How to request help? Please, call us 1-866-528-0577, help@albaspectrum.com