What takes several clicks (and way too much time) with a Linux GUI utility can be done almost instantly by running a Linux command. However, new Linux users usually find Linux commands tricky to learn - but they are well worth learning. Here are some tips on how to use multiple options with a Linux command.
Linux distributions (versions), especially the major Linux distros, include several "point-and-click" Linux GUI utilities. These utilities can be used to do Linux administration task. However, you have to do an awful lot of pointing and clicking to get anything done in these Linux GUI utilities.
What takes several clicks (and way too much time) with a Linux GUI utility can be done almost instantly by running a Linux command. However, new Linux users usually find Linux commands tricky to learn - but they are well worth learning. Also, if you are working on some kind of Linux certification, you will get tested on Linux commands, not on Linux GUI utilities.
Another benefit of learning Linux commands is that they are virtually identical on all 130 + Linux distributions. So, the best way to learn how to use Linux, to do Linux system administration, is to learn how to use Linux commands.
Linux tips: When you get Linux training, including Linux certification training, be sure to learn how to use Linux commands. Don't waste time learning Linux GUI utilities.
Linux Tips - How to Use Multiple Options with a Linux Command
1. Most Linux commands have several options.
Linux command options are used to control the output of a Linux command - and some Linux commands have over 50 options!
2. For almost all Linux commands, the options are prefixed with a - (dash).
For example, the following Linux command runs the ls command with the l (el) option. The l stands for "long" and it gives you a longer (and more detailed) listing of files and directories in the Linux file system.
]# ls -l
Linux Tips: In these examples, the ]# represents the Linux command line prompt. You don't type in the prompt!
3. Linux command options can be combined.
The ls command is used to list the directories and files in the Linux file system. It has an l (for long) option and an a (for all) option. The a option shows "all" files, including hidden files.
The following command uses the l and a options to give you a long listing of all files.
]# ls -l -a
4. Linux command options can be combined without a space between them and with a single - (dash).
The following command is a faster way to use the l and a options and gives the same output as the Linux command shown above.
]# ls -la
5. The letter used for a Linux command option may be different from one command to another.
For example the -r option of one command may not provide the same output as the -r option for another command.
You can learn how to use Linux commands easily by watching Linux video tutorials.
When you watch a Linux video tutorial, you get to see, hear and do! You get to watch the command being typed in and hear an explanation of why you run the Linux command. Then you can pause the video tutorial and run the Linux command yourself!
5 Benefits of Learning Linux Commands to Do Linux System Administration - Linux Training Online
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Linux videos show you how to use Linux - step-by-step! They are an excellent, fast and easy way to learn Linux. Here's how to run Linux video tutorials - online in Linux.