Electronic Recycling Tips
Staying clean while staying "green" is a challenge many companies face these days. With the rapid growth of technology, the most up-to-date electronics quickly become obsolete, as businesses struggle to keep up with the latest trends. Outdated equipment clutters our homes and offices until we finally say, "Enough!" and look for ways to get rid of it.
Outdated equipment clutters our homes and offices until we finally say,

"Enough!" and look for ways to get rid of it. Staying clean while staying "green" is a challenge many companies face these days. With the rapid growth of technology, the most up-to-date electronics quickly become obsolete, as businesses struggle to keep up with the latest trends. However, disposing of electronics can prove to be tricky. Thanks to increased awareness of the harmful impact these waste materials have on the environment and our own health, companies are looking for ways to eliminate their electronic equipment responsibly, without causing lasting damage to the planet. Below are some helpful tips for businesses who are looking for ways to eliminate their "e-waste" and still be considered ecologically friendly:1. RENT. Rather than purchasing your own computer -- which will probably require several costly system upgrades before it finally needs to be swapped out for a newer, sleeker model -- consider leasing a new one, and let the manufacturer handle the upgrades once it's returned.2. REUSE. Don't be lured into buying the latest, fanciest machine out there... many existing models are already "built to last" and only require a good cleaning or maintenance job to continue to function smoothly over many years. You not only save money -- you also keep one more bulky, environmentally hazardous piece of equipment from ending up on the street... or in a landfill.3. REFURBISH. Much of what we consider "e-waste" actually isn't waste at all. Before writing off your computer, scanner or fax machine as a "lost cause," make sure it's not a matter of simply replacing a worn part. Many "old" or "broken" machines can get a brand new life with a little maintenance work. 4. RELEASE. Schools, charities and non-profits frequently accept donations of old electronic equipment, such as TVs, computers, and fax machines, and in many cases these gifts are eligible for a tax deduction.5. RETURN. Many leading manufacturers are now offering buy-back programs for old, unwanted computers. Companies such as IBM and Hewlett-Packard are accepting any brand of computer for responsible reuse or recycling, for a nominal fee.6. RECYCLE! Non-profit organizations are springing up everywhere, with the sole purpose of disassembling computers and peripherals and recycling the usable components, selling the unusable pieces as scrap and safely and responsibly disposing of any hazardous material, thereby keeping the planet safe, as well as creating jobs and aiding the (technologically) needy. As the push for a greener, cleaner planet gains momentum, safe and responsible "E-cycling"-- for both corporations and individuals -- will become easier in the years to come.