What To Do If You're Involved in a Truck Accident
Truck accidents can happen just about any time regardless of how safe a driver you are. Being involved in a truck accident is a very traumatic event for anyone.
if you are prepared and know what to do should an accident occur, you can take a stressful circumstances and turn it into a very manageable circumstance. Below is some good truck accident advice if you do find yourself in this situation.
Check Your Injuries - First, make sure you and everyone else involved in the accident are not injured. If anyone is injured, remain as calm as you can while waiting for the emergency rescue to arrive. If you do not have major injuries and can move, get out of your truck and go to a safer place on the shoulder or side of the road, away from any traffic. Be sure to take note of any pains and aches you feel. They could be a sign that something is wrong internally.
Check On Other Vehicles Involved - If there is no traffic, go to the other vehicle involved in the accident to see if everyone is okay. There is no need to discuss the accident details at this time. Just make sure the occupants of the vehicle are fine. Getting into an argument over fault will increase the tensions at the time of the incident. Remain calm, and wait for the police to arrive before discussing the accident.
Cell Phone and Cameras - Take advantage of your cell phone and digital camera when you are involved in an accident. Some insurance companies have an iPhone insurance app that make the moments after a truck accident less stressful. The app allows you to collect accident information, connect directly with a towing service and take photographs at the scene. It also allows you to file your claim right there on the spot and find the closest repair facility. Even with a good driving record, the iPhone app can be of great assistance during a truck accident.
Discussing Accident Details - When the police arrive, stay by your truck until they approach you. Have your license and proof of insurance ready for the officer. Very calmly, explain the circumstances that occurred as you remember them. Ask the officer for a copy of the police report, and look it over closely with the officer still there. If there is missing information or any inconsistencies regarding the time of accident, weather and date of accident, point that out to the officer.
Towing Your Truck - If your truck is not safe to operate or drive, use your phone to have a tow truck come. If you are not sure if the truck is safe to drive, the officer should be able to assist you. Always stay with your truck until the tow truck arrives, puts your truck on the bed and departs for the repair shop. Have a friend or family member meet you to take you home, or have the tow truck take you to the destination of your vehicle.
Connect With Insurance Agent - Always contact your insurance company when you are involved in a truck accident. You will want to get your claim process started as soon as possible. The insurance company will help you find the right repair location and give you any important information you will need to go along with your claim, including a copy of the accident report.
Now that you understand how important it is to follow certain steps after a truck accident, you can feel more prepared when driving.