Microsoft Dynamics GP or former ERP name Great Plains Dynamics and eEnterprise financial reporting is typically designed in FRx Report Designer.
If you are new to Dynamics GP implementation and its reporting options, please know that FRx is preferred financial reporting tool, where other tools, such as MS SQL Server Reporting Services, Crystal Reports, Report Writer maybe chosen for industrial and compliance reports. Theoretically, let’s say Crystal Report could replicate such statements as Balance Sheet, Profit & Loss, Cash Flow, but it should take a lot of Crystal Report designer to do these statements, while FRx is virtually preprogrammed to do the job, and the job could be done by controller or CFO. Let’s come through FRx report building:
1. Version tolerance. FRx 6.7 (current version for Dynamics GP 10.0, 9.0 and 8.0) is very similar in the sense of its building blocks: row formats, column layouts, reporting trees, reports catalogs to FRx earlier versions: 6.5 (Great Plains 7.5, 7.0, 6.0). If you got version specific concerns from your Dynamics GP and FRx reseller, feel free to ask for second opinion. In fact, there are some technical specifics for older version of FRx – you have to fill in dates setup in FRL tables. Older version of FRx also work with Great Plains Dynamics on Pervasive SQL 2000, Ctree and Btrieve, but these older versions are no longer supported by Microsoft Business Solutions and likely by large number of regional and local Dynamics GP resellers and technology partners
2. Multicurrency in FRx. Traditionally Dynamics GP was marketed to mid-size companies, where you typically see domestic operations, or intercompany transactions with Canada and Mexico. However with emerging international trade, where even small companies outsource manufacturing and support to China, India, Indonesia and Philippines – multicurrency in FRx reporting becoming the must. FRx supports multicurrency and currency translations, based on currency exchange rates in Dynamics GP
3. FRx consolidated reporting. In FRx you can obviously deploy reporting tree to consolidate the whole corporation or just several branches. Reporting tree works for singe company or for multiple companies. In certain cases you would like to consolidate Excel worksheets (where your overseas branch runs different accounting system: SAP Business One, for example)
4. To whom we help. Our company offers FRx reports design, recovery and consulting to all Dynamics GP Great Plains customers, regardless of the fact who is your Great Plains VAR. We offer nationwide and international support from our Dynamics GP call center and software development factory
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Initial Great Plains Dynamics architecture had three SOP Invoice forms: Long, Short and Blank. Modern GP is popular in scenarios where you have more than three companies under one business entity umbrella