FRx for Dynamics GP Great Plains Recovery notes
If your organization deploys old version of Great Plains Dynamics or eEnterprise: 7.5, 7.0, 6.0, 5.5, 5.0 or earlier and your user workstation, where you had FRx client installed crushed, we would like to recommend you several steps in FRx reinstallation and repair.
In the case of eEnterprise your Database is likely MS SQL Server 2000 or 7,

older versions of high end Dynamics we also known under Dynamics C/S+ name. If you are on Dynamics GP 8.0, 9.0 or 10.0 (current version as we are writing these lines in October 2009), FRx recovery issue is simple as all you need to do is to install FRx 6.7 and apply relevant service pack (for GP 10.0 FRx SP10 or 11) - all these service packs are available for download at Microsoft Business Solutions Partner Source (or if you have current service plan with MBS, you can download them from Customer Source pages). We will concentrate on the most challenging in FRx recovery versions 6.0 and earlier:
1. Identify your Great Plains Dynamics version. Open help->About Great Plains Dynamics. If you are on Dynamics 6.0 and earlier, FRx version was matching. Insert CD#1 and expand AddProds folder - if you are on Ctree or Btrieve, open FRx folder for your version, if you are on MS SQL Server (Great Plains eEnterprise) FRxSQL folder respectively
2. Identify your exact FRx version and service pack. Even if you have FRx from OEM Great Plains CD, it may not fit to your FRx system database as you maybe on newer service pack. To identify you service pack and build number, this step might be optional (assuming that you could redeploy without it, but if it is impossible and you already tried all trick, read this paragraph). Find your FRx Sysdata folder (it is likely on the server), open it and locate Frxrpts.F32 file (this is FRx metadata file, it is Microsoft Access database, it is password protected, but it is relatively simple exercise to recover MS Access DB password), make a copy of this file and open it with Microsoft Access. Now, open Control table and read your FRx version in Major and Minor fields (Major would be likely matching GP version, such as 5.5, however for latest versions you will likely have 6.5 or 6.7, and Minor is your build version - service pack related
3. Install FRx client. If you cannot get Service Pack from your Dynamics GP Partner (or if you do not have current partner), you can try to apply FRx version, which is more recent, that your version, found in Control table. For example FRx 6.5 would fit to older GP versions, such as 6.0 and 5.5. There is special procedure, however to upgrade FRx from 5.5 to 6.5. When you will be installing FRx 6.5 on Windows XP workstation, you will likely have error message about CSCMD32.OCX, CSTEXT32.OCX. This issue and work around was discussed in internet posts, you should be able to find work around
4. How to get help? Please, feel free to call us: 1-866-528-0577, outside of USA: 1-630-961-5918 or email us We are very technical and real Dynamics GP Dexterity, SAP Business One SDK and Microsoft CRM programming gurus. We have Great Plains Software Development Factory and could support unlimited Dynamics GP Customization and Programming needs. Plus we speak English, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, Russian, and not only as native speaking sales folks, but as real technical consultants. If you prefer skype: albaspectrum