Simply knowing how to use a computer is not enough. You need to keep yourself safe on the internet by making use of different software, and by learning and updating yourself with the latest tech news.
You often hear it from others, “it’s good to back-up the data on your PC from time-to-time”. Right about now, you are probably saying: “that’s just geek-talk”. However, these tips are not just for geeks, it’s for the everyday computer users – such as you. Doing so, you ensure the safety of your identity and your privacy. Below are simple to understand tips for securing your privacy and keeping your computer organized:
Pay attention to privacy settings on social networks:
Social networks are notorious for violating privacy rights of their users; this is why it’s usually in your best interest to quit using them. However, for some reason, you are not able to do so, then its best to tweak the various different privacy settings on your profile. Try to figure out which setting does what and how it can help you safeguard your privacy.
Organize your desktop:
If your desktop is cluttered, and you can barely make out where you placed your tax return – you my friend are an unorganized person. Not only will you waste time locating important files on your desktop, but your computer’s performance will significantly be impacted negatively. Once you’ve managed and mustered up the courage to organize your desktop, you’ll notice that it’s quite pleasing to the eyes – looking at properly organized desktop. Moreover, make it a habit to keep it that way.
Avoid downloading malware:
You don’t have to be a computer geek to know what malware is. With a little reading, virtually anyone can learn how malware works, just knowing simple facts on malware can make you more vigilant web user. Furthermore, it makes perfect sense to invest a few dollars on decent antivirus software, such as AVG, Norton, or MacAfee. Think about it, what’s more expensive, corrupted windows or a decent antivirus subscription -- we all know the answer to this one.
Keep away from free Wifi:
Free Wifi does come with a price my friend – your privacy. Although, it’s best to not use free Wifi, an itch for catching up on social media or perhaps the urgent need to check your email can be overwhelming, and that’s when you become prone to attacks by cyber-crooks. Think of public Wifi as a hub where Cyber-criminals are waiting for you to connect, so that they can steal personal data from your PC. If you have confidential information, such as tax returns (containing social security numbers), copies of driver’s licenses, or perhaps corporate data such as financial reports, marketing strategies or lists of important clients, then it makes sense lock and hide such data with software such as Folder Lock Lite.
Read up on various internet scam and hoaxes:
Think of an internet as a lawless place, rampant with scams, hoaxes, and myths. You may receive a seemingly innocent email, prompting you to log-in to your bank account in order to verify your identity. You do so without giving it a second thought – you my friend just became a victim of phishing. Your log-in credentials are most likely recorded by a key logging software running in the background. What’s more, is its highly probable that your funds would be transferred into an offshore account before you find out you’ve been scammed.
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The Causes and Effects of Data Breach
Data breach cases are increasing day by day, in 2008 there were only about 550 cases of such kind, in 2013 there have been more than 1400 cases are reported yet.The Perfect Measure to Secure Data
Storing data in on a PC is always risky. There is always a fear of data getting stolen.How to Make Your Private Data Secure
Securing your data is not a complex issue. You just need to keep your antivirus up to date; use software that can make your data secure by setting up a password on your folders.