Great Plains Consultant Notes: Sales Tax Calculation and Reporting in Dynamics GP

Apr 8


Andrew Karasev

Andrew Karasev

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If you are upgrading your corporate ERP and accounting application to Microsoft Dynamics GP, former Great Plains Dynamics, you should expect some additional flexibility in your Sales reporting.


State Sales Tax reporting is typical candidate to learn new functionality and make probing calculations.  In this small publication,Great Plains Consultant Notes: Sales Tax Calculation and Reporting in Dynamics GP  Articles which is intended to end Dynamics GP user, not GP consultant, we would like to give you some technical highlights:


1.       Inventory items and Sales Tax accruing.  You have several options for Sales Tax calculation: non-taxable (such as something that is in essence the service: Freight, Insurance, Bank Wire Transfer charges), in this case select Not Taxable in Inventory Item Maintenance screen on the left side (from Sales perspective).  And now the majority of your physical items, such as merchandize should be marked as Based On Customer


2.       Invoice Subtotal and Total Taxable Sale Amount.  Here you need to understand nuances – in your monthly Sales Tax report (Reports->Company->Taxes) – only Total Taxable Sale Amount is summarized in it.  If some GP inventory items are taxable and others are not, then two amounts (Total Sales, and Total Taxable Sales) will deviate.  This means, that you cannot use AR transactions register for the month to reconcile your sales tax amounts


3.       Sales Tax under the hood.  We recommend you to review Sales Tax in the following tables: RM20101 – posted AR transactions, RM10601 – RM Tax Work file.  Receivable Management module is closer to Dynamics GP General Ledger, comparing to Sales Order Processing tables: SOP30200 and SOP10105 (SOP Tax Work and History table).  The nuances typically are related to the fact of voiding Sales Invoices in RM module, if you voiding this way, SOP posted invoices (SOP30200 and SOP30300 tables) will remain non-voided


4.       Sales Tax for large corporate ERP, when you have to pay State Sales Tax in multiple US states.  In this scenario you typically are calculating Sales Tax based on Ship to Zip code.  There are multiple Dynamics GP ISV partners with their Great Plains Add-ons to consider, Avalara for example


5.       Sales Register report.  In Crystal reports, we recommend Sales Register report for those of you who has tax incentives from the State, give us a call on details