How to Re-Calibrate Replacement Laptop Battery
Replacement laptop batteries need proper charging and discharging in order to extend the life of laptop battery. The chemicals in Lithium-Ion batteries respond best to regular recharging. So do not let the battery drain to about 80 or 85 percent of capacity, and then recharge your computer.
Replacement laptop batteries need proper charging and discharging in order to extend the life of laptop battery. The chemicals in Lithium-Ion batteries respond best to regular recharging. So if you have a laptop,

don't keep it plugged in all the time; let the battery drain to about 80 or 85 percent of capacity, and then recharge your computer. The life of a Lithium-Ion battery can be measured in charge cycles. A charge cycle occurs when 100% of a battery's capacity is used. Let's say you use 50% of your laptop's battery one day, charge it overnight, and then you use 50% of the battery again the next day. Even after charging it back up again, you'll have only had one charge cycle occur. Most laptop batteries are rated for a useful life of at least 300-500 charge cycles, but high-quality, properly maintained batteries can retain up to 80% of their original life, even after 300 cycles. If your laptop or portable device isn't going to be used for a while, you should remove its Lithium-Ion laptop battery, if possible. Even if the battery can't be separated from the device, it should be stored in a cool environment at about one-half charge. Cool temperature is recommended by experts because that can slow the natural discharge that batteries will undergo even when they're disconnected from their device. Your computer battery might need a good calibration if it doesn't seem to be getting the mileage that it should. How to re-calibrate laptop battery? The following tips will give you the proper tips for your laptop battery. The above way of re-calibrating the notebook batteries works well with laptops using Ni-MH cells. But not with laptops using Li-Ion batteries because deep discharges will actually decrease the charge capacity and lifespan of Li-Ion cells. Li-ion batteries irreversibly lose approximately 20% capacity per year from the time of manufacture at a typical 100% charge level at 25deg.C, even when unused. Li-ion batteries irreversibly lose approximately 2%, 4%, 15% at 0deg.C, 25deg.C and 40deg.C respectively, when stored at 40% charge level. That is every deep discharge cycle decreases the capacity of the Li-ion batteries. As the Li-Ion batteries are chemical in nature, charging and recharging is not going to fix the problem once the chemical reactions stop happening. Therefore the best advice for re-calibrating the Li-Ion batteries is to store the battery at 40% charge if it kept unused for any unlimited period of time. Also don't leave the battery in the laptop if you don't use the battery or if you plug the laptop into outlet power. Tips of Li-ion laptop batteries: Initially discharge the Li-ion Laptop battery to 3% only and then fully charge it (approx 12 hrs). Do not let the Li-ion Laptop battery discharge to 0% initially, as it makes the battery prone to short battery life/not holding the charge issues. Battery once used must be recharged within 2 days without fail with above 50% before using it else it will cause damage/short battery life issues/not holding the charge issues. Li-ion Laptop battery needs a cycle of discharging to 3% and then fully charging twice a week. Popular Searches: Dell inspiron 1545 battery, Dell inspiron 1525 battery, Dell Inspiron 6400 battery, Dell inspiron 6000 battery etc.