How to relieve stress with the desktop destroyer game
This game is called desktop destroyer. Just by the name desktop destroyer, you know that, it has something to do with destroying your desktop. A scary thought for anyone. but don't worry, you're not destroying your desktop in real life. This game enables you to virtually destroy your desktop, without actually destroying your desktop.
There's no one person on planet earth,

that's immune from stress. Stress can come from a variety of environmental factors, such as jobs stress, traffic stress, short deadlines, family stress etc... People often resort to medications for treating stress, which can often have unwanted side effects, or perform yoga, which for some people can be boring and pointless, Nevertheless, technology today has advanced so much that now, one can relieve thier stress by simply playing a game. This game is called desktop destroyer. Just by the name desktop destroyer, you know that, it has something to do with destroying your desktop. A scary thought for anyone. but don't worry, you're not destroying your desktop in real life. This game enables you to virtually destroy your desktop, without actually destroying your desktop.
Some of the more popular games that are available for download are 3d cubes, desktop hammer, and destroy your desktop. You can easily find these games on the internet and it takes less then a few seconds to download them. Once you download them, simply open the .exe file and you can begin playing these games, no installation needed. In addition, there's no time limit, and you can play for as long as you can, and you knowing the fact that, the more you play the more you de-stress is a reassuring thought!
However, be warned that this is one hell of an addictive game, it's quite easy to become addicting to this game, and very few people are immune to it's addictive nature. Keep in mind that this game can distract you from your work and family life, so make a schedule as to when and where you should play this game. it's OK to play it for an hour or two, but when you feel that you're straying away from your responsibilities, you should cut down on play time. This is because overplaying this game can ultimately backfire.
Hate that screen saver? or hate that error message? Destroy it! yes, you can destroy anything that's visible on your desktop or your web browser. Desktop destroyer works, by taking a screen shot of your current page, and then enables you to virtually destroy it. Burn down your webpage using the fire torch, or crack open your laptops screen, using the virtual hammer, or simply wash it all away with the water hose and start all over again.