One of the biggest losses that a company can suffer is the data loss. The companies should look to avoid these breaches to keep their goodwill among the clients. The biggest threat to the confidential information of the company is not hackers but their own employees, IT department should arm themselves to tackle this opponent.
One of the core responsibilities of IT department is to provide strict security to important data of the company. The dangers of data leakage are high, very common and can put extremely negative effects on the business activities. The majority of the IT professionals has a propensity to focus mainly on the external enemies of the company’s data such as hackers. But, now the companies are realizing that the real threat to their data is from their internal working sources i.e. the employees. As technology is progressing as the days are passing by, and the business background keeps on developing, the IT departments are trying hard to protect their data. The majority of the IT personals is pointing their weapons to tackle the risk of data which are the very own employees of the company. The dangers and consequences of a data breach can be demoralizing for the company of any size. The main concern of the IT department should be to protect data from prying eyes.
Scott & Scott LLP conducted a study with the sample size of more than 700 companies, out of these 700 companies; almost 590 companies claimed that they have suffered a data breach. The data breaches can be devastating for the companies in numerous ways. The most harmful effect of such breach is the fine that is imposed due to the legislation regarding the issue. The other big loss for the company is the loss of goodwill and trust of clients. Clients’ trust is one of the major needs for a successful business; many companies lose their way because of the lack of trust of the customers. The most terrifying nightmare for the company is to get data in the hands of a competitor; it can ruin all the strategies.
To protect data from getting leaked, IT department should find out what is the biggest threat to the security of data. The statistics suggest that more than 30 percent of the breaches are a result of an act of internal employees. Hackers are restricted from accessing the confidential data, but, employees of the company have full access to all the information of the company. This freedom to employees poses the biggest threat to data of the company. Employees may sell sensitive data such as; business strategy, marketing strategies, financial records and other documents to the rival businesses. But, the most common way to keep the security on the line is to avoid security protocols set by the IT department.
To increase the efficiency of the employees, the companies give employees the choice to bring their own device to operate on. This principle is known as BYOD which means ‘Bring Your Own Device’, no doubt this principle has its pros, but, it also has increased the risk of data loss. The risk associated with this principle is that employees can plug their device in for the purpose to perform their duties, but they also can take confidential data of the company with them. IT department ought to use security software that can give Copy Protection to data. It is too easy for the employees to copy and paste records in their device and carry them out of the organization. IT department usually seems to be actively fighting against the cyber criminals, but they usually forget the black sheep in the company and careless people working there.
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