With all these innovations, persons with disabilities are very much grateful because they have given the rights and freedom to use a particular technology like the other. And for computing for blinds, the jaws program comes out to be of great importance.
Thanks! To the technology for making our life so much easier and simpler. One may be amazed to see the that even a visually impaired person, with the help of technology can operate the computer as any other person can and even much more better than those who can see. Although for the blind people requires the assistive technology, by the help of which, only the blind people can use computer. By assertive technology I mean to say screen reader software’s and Braille display.
There are also many screen reader software which are invented to convert text to speech like that in cell phone. But not all cell phone units are programmed to be installed with screen reader software. Because of the screen reader software installed in the cell phone, blind person can already read and send his texts independently. Another great innovation in the field of communication is the MINITEL; it’s a kind of a telephone for the deaf that enables the deaf person to communicate with each other on the other line. This is done by typing the message and sending it to the person. The person on the other line will read the message. And for the computing purpose JAWS program is one of the great and successful software for the blind. It’s an amazing program called JAWS for Windows program which helps people with visual impairments manipulate the computer. This is because with the intervention of JAWS for Windows, icons on the computer screen are being read aloud. This enables the visually impaired person to work with computer applications independently. Other than that, persons with visual impairment can independently create and edit document either in Microsoft word, excel or PowerPoint. But, yes for the maintenance and technical guidance purpose they must take the help of computer tech support teams for their computer maintenance on regular basis for their home computer repair.
Although, like any other user of computer they should first gain basic knowledge about the computer, how it functions, how it operates. To enable and execute a specific command they should be very much knowledgeable in the different keyboard shortcuts such as control + C for copy. Even in reading, there are certain commands to be executed like insert NUMPOD to read the current word, control right arrow to read the next word, control left arrow to read the previous word and so on. The insert key or the JAWS key that is being referred here is the key for zero if the NAMLOCK is on in the numeric keypad. Due to the invention of the JAWS, visually impaired person are given the freedom to access the internet, Face book and other social networks. They can also perform certain office jobs like the others.
With all these innovations, persons with disabilities are very much grateful because they have given the rights and freedom to use a particular technology like the other. Through these innovations the walls that separate them from the world of development are removed. As a result, they can also enjoy what is being enjoyed by the others.
Features of Windows 8
Microsoft has introduced lots of advanced features like UEFI interface, Hybrid boot, Windows live essential etc to which most of the people are still unknown. These features have revamped the speed and performance of computer.New Hotkeys launched in Windows 8.
Windows 8 OS is the latest operating system launched by Microsoft. It contains lots of hotkey which allows you to get access to the desired application very quickly.Windows Live Essential in windows 8
Windows Live Essential contain set of essential software designed for fulfilling the general purpose like messaging , sharing photos docs, mails, blogging and sharing data.