Many people have heard about the data breach and they are afraid of it. However, not many of you know what data breach really is. Data breach can lead its’ owner to loss of millions of Dollars and Loss of goodwill.
Many people have the fear of breach of data, but, what really data breach is? Data breach is the release of data without the due consent of the owner of the data. The leakage of data refers to the information that is important for the proprietor of the business. This data may include the business plans, marketing strategies, financial or customers’ identities. If such data get leaked, the organization or the proprietor may suffer a big loss in the shape of financial loss or in the shape of losing goodwill and reputation. A breach of data can take place by a careless act of the owner of the data or through hackers’ attack.
Now, it is worth discussing that how these cyber criminals make a person their prey? There can be a variety of methods through which the e-crooks make a person bully and get his/her data. In a simplest of situations, these criminals send an email to thousands of random emails to aimed person. The emails seem to be so tempting that of these thousands some people become victim of their master plan. These emails only consist of some mal links which are asked to be clicked to get the gift hamper or something similar. When a user clicks those links, he/she actually gives a safe passage to the cyber criminal to get into the data of the user, and the rest is not a difficult task to perform.
The other kinds of attacks are pre-planned and the victim is not a random person, but, a targeted one. The victim is specified, and the motive of these crooks is to extract his/her data out to annoy her or to fraud. The e-criminals are extremely organized, once they select their prey, they sit back and observe his/her activities, strengths, weaknesses and other things. Then the target is approached by the criminals through the network or through social acts. Keeping in view the strengths and weaknesses of the user, they plan their steps accordingly. Usually, one attack is not enough to gather all the desired information through which they can harm the user of the data.
According to the published reports on data breach, three of the twenty biggest data breached took place in 2011. There is no conflict between the experts that the incidents of data breach are increasing rapidly. However, companies are responsible for these breaches as they do not take the proper steps for data security. Using software that can Lock Folders can prevent users from getting their private records leaked. Cyber criminals just want a single mistake from you; they will not allow you a second chance. So, it is better to protect your data with security tools. Hackers have become an expert is accessing your personal data. The matter of fact is that the unsecured data are just a treat for them and can be a nightmare for you. People need to make their data secure by taking precautions as precautions are better than regrets. These data breaches can lead its’ user to loss of millions of Dollars and loss of reputation in the market.
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