Ludibrium Party Quest is a good way to train, especially for spearmen and fighters. It is often hard to get in, however. Other methods of training are sometimes more effective.
Once you've hit
cheap maplestory mesos level 30,

congratulations! After many levels of being KSed by almost every other class and leveling at a very slow pace, you will finally receive a well deserved power boost so you can stand on your own. Your average damage will stabilize at a much higher level, and your HP and defense will let you stand out among all the classes. There are three paths that lie ahead, all leading to their own brilliant glory. However, there’s still the second job advance test, an obstacle that must be passed to unlock your true power. You need to prepare for this next step and take the challenge head on.
To reach your test area, you first need to talk to Dances with Balrog, then head west from Perion two screens, then keep heading up until you see a guy standing. Talk to the guy, and he will transport you to your testing area. At the test area, you will be fighting Fire Boars and Lupins. They are different from the everyday Fire Boars and Lupins you will see in Perion and Ellinia. No sir, they're evil, pure evil, all the way to their burning flesh/banana filled stomach, and they actually have less HP than their normal counterparts. You will need 43 accuracy to hit them 100% of the time, so if your accuracy is lower, Sniper Pots might do you some good. The lupins are really difficult to bring down, so you might want to stick with Fire Boars only. In any case, it shouldn't be long before they bite the dust and either drop their evil, sinister mind, in the form of a marble, or just disappear completely into Purgatory. Once you've found your 30 Marbles, talk to the guy inside the test area and he will let you out with Proof of Hero. Now, bring your proof, Talk to Dances with Balrog, and you will be able to make your decision to either be a Fighter, a Page, or a Spearman. If you're unsure which path to choose (as most people who are indecisive), don't fret. I will list out their advantages and disadvantages below.
Level 30-34: For GMS, Trixters are good as they never move horizontally, meaning you'll never get hit unless you go and collect loot yourself. Jr Sentinels works well as an alternative, but it's pretty slow training. Land of Wild Boar I or II can be an excellent place for fast exp and money as well
Level 35-39: Go to buy maplestory mesos Jr. kitties in Orbis and start mass killing them. Alternatives include Evil Eye Cave, which is fast but burns money a bit, and Jr Sentinels, which earns money quite fast but is unbearably slow on training. Teddies and Pink teddies are also worth a try, generally because there is lots of space, along with good experience and money. Another good place, if you have good DEX and play in GMS or MSEA, is unit 102 in Magita. Rumos (75 exp) are really good training with good armor and weapons. You can try taking on the occasional triple rumo (85 EXP) or, if you have lower DEX, unit 102, more cube slimes(62 EXP) and less rumos so you can have an easier time. Or, at lv 37-40, you could go to Plateon field and kill, but bring warrior pills and pots, and only if you have 75 accuracy at the start.
Level 40-44: If you can hit
maplestory mesos Jr Boogies, Go to Evil Eye Cave. There are a LOT of evil eyes there, and the map is quite small. Furthermore, you don't have mages bothering you there, and while you will meet the occasional assassin the terrain's terrible for them. You won't earn a lot of money but hey, at least you're training. Jr. Cellion/Lioner/Grupin, found near Orbis at The Garden of 3 Colors are also good experience. One particular training spot that is never crowded but is very good experience is level 10 of the Eos tower, which has very rapid spawn of Bloctopi and Block Golems. The reason people don't frequent this area is because of its distance from potting points. Training enthusiasts would be best off here, and later on Floor 8, which has massive Block Golem and King Block Golem spawn. Alternatives: Fire Boars and Leatties.